It's founded on a distortion, but as you say, myths are malleable. Medusa's appearance varies depending on what source you're reading. Although, in the most well known myth written by the Roman poet Ovid, Medusa was born extremely beautiful and human-like. But at the same time, the Greeks always imagined her as living in Africa on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. No books written in ancient Berber languages have survived to the present day (though we do have a bit over a thousand inscriptions). It was assumed, among other godlike attributes, as a royal aegis to imply divine birth or protection, by rulers of the Hellenistic age, as shown, for instance, on the Alexander Mosaic and the Gonzaga Cameo. The Gorgons were in the far west. For the descriptions and nature of the Lamia, Keats drew from Burton's The Anatomy of Melancholy. She is the sister of Euryale and Stheno, and they were born to the sea god Phorcys and Ceto, who is the goddess of sea monsters. With her sharp teeth and hair intertwined with snakes, it's easy to imagine Greek parents of that era using her as a sort of boogeyman to corral misbehaving children. She was perhaps also identified with Benthesikyme a North African sea-nymphe who like Tritonis was married to a local sea-god (Enalos) and had two daughters. She resides in the Petrified Temple in the middle of a petrified forest on Lesbos. Tritonis appears to be closely related to the Timeoroi Libyes (Guardian Spirits of Libya) who, according to some, were nurses of the young Athena. Sign up And then, there's the 2021 Amazon Prime commercial in which Medusa buys sunglasses, and becomes the life of the party (but doesn't hesitate to petrify someone who is annoying her and her new friends). The image of her severed head remains a powerful protective amulet. 11(. As one of the Gorgons, a trio of winged women with venomous snakes for hair, Medusa ranked among the most feared, powerful monsters to dominate early Greek mythology. WebMedusa teaches us to know and love ourselves outside of the expectations of patriarchal society. Alternatively she desired Medusas power. No. Medusa was clearly described as having long golden hair when she was still a priestess in Athenas temple. But its not unlikely that the myth In ancient Greece and modern times throughout the world, Medusas portrait is recreated on shields, temples, coins, pottery, and pendants as a symbol of protection to ward off evil.. The presence of three monsters even though only one is important to the story could be a relic of a pre-Greek triple goddesss cult being destroyed by the Olympians. 1493 ff (trans. Lamia is the main antagonist in the 2009 horror movie Drag Me to Hell voiced by Art Kimbro. Another double of the Libyan Lamia may be Lamia, daughter of Poseidon. He carries a Medusa head that he similarly uses to petrify enemy units. Nowadays, scholars of ancient religion know better than to take it as evidence that one god is derived from the other. He identifies the Greek Perseus with an Egyptian cult in the city of Chemmis, and writes as if all of Libya and Egypt are in the same direction from Greece: Herodotus always calls Egyptian divinities by Greek names, when he can. Please note: You may have heard that Medusa was originally a Libyan goddess or alternatively, that the Greek myth of Medusa was designed to demonise black women. He did so with the help of many of the pantheons powerful gods. When people do claim that shes an African divinity, or an African symbol, it generally seems to be in the context of framing ethnicity in terms of black and white. Either way, Athena was furious. One such possible lamia is the avenging monster sent by Apollo against the city of Argos and killed by Coroebus. 490 BCE (British Museum, McDaniel, S. 2020. Diodorus Siculus (fl. In others, they are not literal snakes but rather hair that supernaturally behaves as if it were made of living snakes. The story of Medusa is one of the most well-known in Greek mythology. Was the Griffin a Bird from Greek Mythology. Myth evolves. The double-entendre sarcasm was uttered by Demetrius's father, among others. From her deadly power to her hideous face, she has all the hallmarks of an enemy of humanity and the gods. No. Medusa if she was inspired by a goddess culture" could be a trace memory of Minoan goddess worship and the importance of snakes in the culture These did not all immediately help him kill Medusa, but it did allow him to escape her sisters. Perseus beheaded Medusa while she slept, but her severed head retained its power to paralyze and turn viewers to stone. One day they'll use my head, but cleave and leave the rest of me behind, which seemsunkind.". Thats clear from his description of the ethnic mix at Siwa (2.43): he tells us that the people there were a mix of colonists from Egypt and Ethiopia, and they customarily use speech that is in between both. He was well aware of ethnic differences between Siwa and the Nile valley, but interpreted them in terms that were familiar to him. He wears a golden mask modeled after her face and trounced Percy in combat. Unlikely, it is possible that the character of Medusa may have derived from some form of early snake goddess worship, with possible relations to an All of his heroic actions could be seen as reflections of his fathers power. WebThe Libyan Berber Goddess Tannit (Neith) Tannit or Neith is originally a Berber Libyan Goddess venerated by the Berbers of North Africa from immemorial times. WebIn Greek mythology, Poseidon was the god of the sea, floods, droughts, earthquakes and horses. Engraged, Athena, unable to punish Poseidon. Available via Live Chat Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm EST Email Us anytime at Their birth is a reminder that the transformative power of destruction often leads to new creation. Although snakes commonly had a negative connotation in Greek culture, many other religions including the Minoans included them in the iconography of various goddesses. [40], A longstanding joke makes a word play between Lamia the monster and Lamia of Athens, the notorious hetaira courtesan who captivated Demetrius Poliorcetes (d. 283 BC). Lamia (/lemi/; Greek: ), in ancient Greek mythology, was a child-eating monster and, in later tradition, was regarded as a type of night-haunting spirit (daemon). Instead of a monster, Medusa could represent a goddess from a non-Greek religion. It is eventually revealed that Medusas are the larval form of hydras. WebMedusa is not just a minor sea spirit. : Pausanias, Description of Greece 1. This remoteness was a hallmark of some of mythologys most fearsome creatures. Medusa Medusa was a Libyan Goddess who was worshiped by The Amazons. Send your order in a special package containing an embossed gift bag, tissue paper, Awe branded polishing cloth and a notecard. 1st century BC), for instance, describes Lamia of Libya as having nothing more than a beastly appearance. 1st century BC) gave a de-mythologized account of Lamia as a queen of Libya who ordered her soldiers to snatch children from their mothers and kill them, and Yes, Medusae. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. The story of Medusa is one of the most well-known in Greek mythology. This is interesting and suggests that Medusa was a myth imported from Libya. Why, though, were so many gods invested in seeing Medusa destroyed when other monsters received much less attention? And, incidentally, Gorgon snake hair in Morocco certainly isnt derived from Maasai dreadlocks in Kenya. She wears snake jewellery and a chiffon fishtail skirt. [p][11] Isidore of Seville defined them as beings that snatched babies and ripped them apart. WebOne of the most popular monsters of Greek Mythology is Medusa. He goes on to express an opinion that most Greek gods names originally came from Egypt (2.50). The fact that Medusa lived alongside two sisters is also notable in her interpretation as a monster. Hopefully ppl do know that there are African Greeks. Just like there are African Indians, Afro-Mexicans and etc.. Just true history is needed.. no Kibin, 2023. She may have had consensual or even sacred sex with him in Athenas temple, or she may have fled to the temple to get away from him. With help from other Olympian Gods and Goddesses he was successful, but Medusas death was not the end of her. Godley) (Greek historian C5th B.C.) Coral, anything serpentine, menstrual blood stained pads or garments. If you feel called to her, though, I'd suggest you follow your instincts. She was imported into Greece as one of the Gorgons, daughter of Phorcus and his sister Ceto. WebMedusa Introduction. [80][81] Scylla is a creature depicted variously as anguipedal or serpent-bodied. Moon (many, including Orpheus disciples, have seen Medusas face in the moon). Whats the historical low-down? We'll take a look right away. [1.1] ATHENE (by Poseidon) (Herodotus 4.180, Pausanias 1.14.6) My work has also been published on Buzzfeed and most recently in Time magazine. Later depictions (although still fairly ancient ones, in the absolute sense) gradually toned down the more monstrous aspects and made her more attractive. Early descriptions of Medusa illustrated that she always had a monstrous appearance (like the other Gorgons) with snakes for hair, large teeth, wings, and claws. Another myth suggests that Athena possessed more than Medusas head: she flayed Medusa and wore her skin. The queen, as related by Diodorus, was born in a cave. The most popular is that of a hideous monster; in fact, the petrification originally was caused by Medusa's ugliness itself, before other myths retconned it into being a power based in her eyes. ", Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 3. While the gods themselves did not set this task, they took an interest in seeing it completed. I have no doubt that a spirit could appear adopting the name and visage of Medusa, I just think it is good to be cognizant that worship of Medusa is thoroughly modern and did not occur in the past. There are two different such prequel myths regarding the origins of the original Medusa. Feminist writers of the 20th century began to see reflections of themselves and other women in the fate of Medusa. Hermes helped directly by lending Perseus his sandals and Hephaestus gave him a sword. In the 1st-century Life of Apollonius of Tyana the female empousa-lamia is also called "a snake",[40] which may seem to the modern reader to be just a metaphorical expression, but which Daniel Ogden insists is a literal snake. It has been cautioned that there may not be great import in the label "lamiae" here beyond derogatory insult, Incidentally, Dio in Oration 37 quotes a Sibyl's song in which the Sibyl (. All three were so hideous, that the shock of seeing them would turn anyone into stone, which . Because she is a reminder to be unapologetically ourselves and fierce in the face of oppression, Add gift message and Deluxe Gift packaging, Liquid error: include usage is not allowed in this context. There is an ancient metaphysical belief that menstrual blood is the single most spiritually and magically powerful substance on Earth. It can be used to destroy or overwhelm any other power. It has been recorded more recently by Rumon Gamba conducting the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra for Chandos Records in a 2019 release of British tone poems. Although later details, such as her origins as a beautiful maiden, were added by writers such as Ovid, the earliest surviving myths make it clear that Medusa was a fearsome goddess. I mostly just say that, although Herodotos does say that Medusa lived in North Africa, there's nothing to indicate that she was originally an African goddess and the story of Medusa was most likely made up by Greeks.The main thing that my answer adds to what you've said here is that I actually address the claim about the dreadlocks by pointing out that the earliest surviving depictions of Medusa, including the famous Kykladic pithos from the early seventh century BCE that depicts her with the lower body of a four-legged horse, don't seem to depict her with snakes for hair. [14][27], Numerous sources attest to the Lamia being a "child-devourer", one of them being Horace. Her symbols were a shield that frequently appeared above her head in [42][38] The use of the term lamia in this sense is however considered atypical by one commentator. To learn more, read our. They took care of the young goddess Athena after her birth from the head of Zeus beside the lake. Many other myths are interpreted as retellings of how the Greeks and their pantheon won power. As an infant he was cast into the sea in a chest with his mother by Acrisius, to whom it had been prophesied that he would be killed by his grandson. Let us know! When we look for data on the origins of the Medusa legend, we have to look at Greek sources. Libya is a very misunderstood name. The views on medusa goddess in mythology. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device, Add gift options or sustainable packaging, Free shipping on $150+ & free returns on all U.S. orders. Theoi Project Copyright 2000 - 2017 Aaron J. Atsma, Netherlands & New Zealand, (Apollonius Rhodius 4.1493, Hyginus Fab 14). Historian Herodotus also stated that she was in Libya. How the West made Arabs and Berbers into races.. Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.) : Lamia receives a section in Georgios Megas and Helen Colaclides, "The Odes: Just where do you draw the line? The Traditional Story of Medusa. The woman's decision is entirely inconsequential. And those analogues that exhibit a serpentine form or nature have been especially noted. Combining both of the classical Medusa origin stories, this Medusa is the youngest of the three Gorgon sisters who desecrated the resident Athena. [8], Diodorus Siculus (fl. Source: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. edd., Strabo. Judika Isles has her as a living Goddess in her Encyclopedia of spirits. Yes. Many of the myths in Ancient Greece and Rome were inspired by people of African descent and deities who were venerated in places where African Medusa was one of the most iconic monsters of Greek mythology, but could her story also be one of a goddess? The examples are Aristophanes's reference to the "lamia's testicles", the scent of the monsters in the Libyan myth which allowed the humans to track down their lair, and the terrible stench of their urine that lingered in the clothing of Aristomenes, which they showered upon him after carving out his friend Sophocles's heart. Why are we down voting someone who sharing an opinion that was the topic of the thread. He is the older brother of Zeus, and the younger brother of Hades, and is one of the Twelve Olympians. In Statius' version, the monster had a woman's face and breasts, and a hissing snake protruding from the cleft of her rusty-colored forehead, and it would slide into children's bedrooms to snatch them. [18][26] Such practices are recorded by the 1st century Diodorus,[9] and other sources in antiquity. Horace makes a related joke, referring to the aforementioned Lucius Aelius Lamia the praetor as "Lamus", in this instance regarded as the founding figure of the city of the Laestrygonians. Yeah, I wrote that article in part to answer this question for myself and to do research for a book I am working on about Goddess Athena. The Gorgon sisters as a whole are the Trope Namer to Gorgeous Gorgon. There are some variations of the myth in which, despite what wad done to her by Athena, Medusa continued to be faithful and committing rituals for Athena in private since she's, In 2nd edition, medusas are a race resembling elven maidens with serpents for hair and the ability to petrify with their gaze, even affecting creatures on the Ethereal or Astral Planes (into which they can see). Myths are malleable, after all. Heres a run-down of where ancient sources placed the Gorgons. Medusa's main characteristics are snakes for hair and that people turn to stone just by seeing her face. I cant read Tamazight or Arabic, so Im not ideally placed to say what the prevailing mood is. [89], Some commentators have also equated Lamia with Hecate. None of us can say we know everything about the gods or goddess so none of us should be putting down other people's opinions. For the Basque lamia, see. She may be Athenas mother, a closely related spirit, or possibly even the identity Athena left behind when she moved from North Africa to Greece. Percy and his friends also end up facing the Gorgons' parents, Phorcys and Keto. In the view of some historians, however, Medusa can be interpreted as something other than a monster. WebDiodorus Siculus ( fl. To protect Perseus from this danger, the gods gave him special items to help him on his quest to kill the monster. 5. She vowed to be celibate her entire life as a priestess of Athena until she fell in love with Poseidon. Athena was once part of the Trinity of Snake Goddesses however the Grecos wanted to separate themselves from other regions so they demonized the Goddess Neith Athena Feather Studied the myths extensively Author has 168 answers and 111.6K answer views 2 y Im not sure what answer you want. [99], Lamia, also known as Ramia, also appears as a boss in the Nintendo DS action role-playing game Deep Labyrinth.[100]. The Gorgons collectively could indicate that this unknown goddess was part of a triple goddess cult. In previous centuries, Lamia was used in Greece as a bogeyman to frighten children into obedience, similar to the way parents in Spain, Portugal and Latin America used the Coco. One theory puts forward the idea that Medusa is representative of a pre-Greek goddess of the region. Please confirm you want to block this member. Modern euphemisms for menstruation including calling it a womans friend or the curse, but an evocative, old-fashioned one describes a menstruating woman as bitten by the snake. It alludes to Plutarch's use of the term in De curiositate, where the Greek writer suggests that the term Lamia is emblematic of meddlesome busybodies in society. When she's defeated, Medusa herself is turned to stone. Hesychius of Alexandria's lexicon (c. 500 A.D.) glossed lamiai as apparations, or even fish. Stesichorus (500s BCE) also mentions the Sarpedonian island in connection with the story of Chrysaor, who sprang from Medusas neck after she was beheaded. Modern images of mermaids, some with snakey hair, are also sometimes labelled Medusa, but these are usually modern Gorgon mermaids. Approximately 10% of the females are "greater medusae", who have super-toxic blood and. Poets and scholars of all ages knew Her as the Goddess Neith. She may also manifest as a mermaid. Because of her cruel acts, her physical appearance changed to become ugly and monstrous. When he describes a festival of Osiris at Siwa, for example, he calls the god Dionysus, because of some minor parallels with Greek Dionysiac festivals (2.4749). [31] The lexicon also has an entry under mormo () stating that Mormo and the equivalent mormolykeion[f] are called lamia, and that all these refer to frightful beings. Maidens who die of their wounds are called false virgins. Depending on the version of the story, she either reciprocated, and (with a little help from her sisters) let Poseidon into Athena's temple and slept with him on the altar, or was simply raped by the god. The story was re-enacted by the Makhlyes and Ausean tribes in an annual festival. Medusa, to me, is the monstrous version of a heroic mortal. Other details appear in different sources: Medusa was originally a beautiful woman who was transformed; she remained beautiful (but deadly) after her transformation; she was a rape victim, and cursed by Athena; her head was set on the shield of Athena; and so on. Here, Lamia is the common vulgar term and empousa the proper term. Medusa is not just a minor sea spirit. She was imported into Greece as one of the Gorgons, daughter of Phorcus and his sister Ceto. And sometimes she has also become an afrocentrist symbol. I am the owner and chief researcher at this site. He also received the winged sandals of Hermes, a sword made by Hephaestus, and the invisibility helm of Hades. This allows our team to focus on improving the library and adding new essays. As I see it, Medusa could just as easily become Maasai as she could become Berber. [68][69][o] The idea that these creatures were lamiai seems to originate with Alex Scobie (1977),[71] and accepted by other commentators. The example essays in Kibin's library were written by real students for real classes. Analogues that exhibit a serpentine form or nature have been especially noted forward the idea that Medusa alongside!, Poseidon was the topic of the young goddess Athena after her face of hydras,! Trope Namer to Gorgeous Gorgon the three Gorgon sisters who desecrated the resident Athena containing an gift... An ancient metaphysical belief that menstrual blood stained pads or garments indicate that unknown... Libyan Lamia may be Lamia, Keats drew from Burton 's the Anatomy of Melancholy British... 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