WebFLUFF SENTENCE STARTERS I never noticed your eyes were this [colour]. Your heartbeats really loud. You asleep? I like this, being so close to Jump to Sections of this page 41. Beautiful things can come from messy places. im tired of this life. On a camping trip with my family, we discovered a cave filled with the most beautiful treasures youve ever seen. Many people believe that more is better when it comes to content. 32. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". You know that blank page doesnt stand a chance against you. You get along like old friends, but you wonder if hed give you the time of day if you hadnt met the way you did. The words that start a sentence are some of the most important in writing: They introduce what the sentence is about so the reader knows what to expect. They allow writers to focus their thoughts while providing ideas for their storylines. What is Fluff in Writing and How to Fix It. You wake up wearing a wedding dress. 11. For example, Its the most delicious cake that Ive eaten could easily be Its the most delicious cake Ive eaten. In similar instances, remove it for more streamlined content. 45. At an annual town carnival, you buy a raffle ticket, thinking its for the newest quilt created by a quirky, lovable group of ladies youve known since childhood. While the purpose of really is to exaggerate something, readers respond better to text that gets more granular in its measurements. 3. to help turn your template into a list of story ideas. Stay on topic. Your mating season has come, and theres no escape. Sentence starters are the words or phrases that introduce the rest of the sentence, typically set apart by commas. Today, I saw a strange-colored bug Ive never seen before, 25. 35 Of The Best Short Story Ideas To Grab Your Readers, 75 Of The Best Fiction Writing Prompts For All Writers. 36. Im so excited because tomorrow Ill finally meet my long lost cousin! Here are some common, fluffy culprits. Remind them that there is no right or wrong answer (or plot). Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. It was the best feeling in the world. Fluff in writing is anything that doesnt add value to a piece. Its common to use two different sentences to discuss a cause-and-effect relationship, as in something making something else happen. They want a smooth reading experience and clean, clear writing. The same guy shows up the next day at your highly acclaimed matchmaking agency. You start having intense erotic dreams and the face you see is one you dont recognize but that feels familiar. The feathers of the throat are elongated giving it a bearded appearance when they are fluffed out. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Jordan Mitchell is a wife and homeschooling mom to 3 precious children. 20. When you see him greet his boyfriend, youre torn between relief and disappointment. 29. Know your audience, their comfort level with jargon, and their familiarity with your topic. Fill out the form below, and a content specialist will get in touch with you in 1 business day. Writing, grammar, and communication tips for your inbox. 40. Another word for it is content filler because it fills up space without saying anything new. When youre. From Wikipedia A gas fluidized bed is a container filled with a powder or granular substance that is "fluffed up" 7. And most of all, have fun with it. Lean, strong writing requires you to prune your prose. If youre writing a literary essay, a memoir, or a humor piece, you can adopt a more digressive style. Online content needs a lighter touch to succeed. The search engine assumes that its fluffy even if it does have the right keywords. Cutting filler words that bloat your online writing is how you hone it to a sharp point. After you get to the point, stay there. If youre writing about facts, your reader will assume everything you write is a fact. are like the sentence starters of an entire essaythey introduce what the paragraph or entire text is about so the readers know what to expect. I went with my grandpa to milk the cows, but something was different about the barn today. One-sentence writing prompts are such a fun, helpful way to teach students how to writeand instill a love of writing. Often, dry chemical and dry powder types are hit on the bottom with a rubber mallet to make sure the powder is free-flowing, which is called fluffing the powder. I was having dinner with some friends when I realized Id left my wallet back at home. (323) $14.00. Idioms with the word back, Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023, 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? He gives you a brief, guarded smile and walks past you. There are key differences when it comes to copywriting vs content writing. Let us make content marketing easier for you. I especially like using one-liner story starter sentences in our homeschool. 6. #writingtips, The Easy A-to-Z Guide to Writing Great Headlines [Infographic], Unless youre talking about someone who works remotely, virtually has no place in your #content. Shes a ____ with _____. . Enjoy! The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". @JuliaEMcCoy, Very can be deleted in any sentence without taking away meaning, says @JuliaEMcCoy. Julia McCoy is an 8x author and a leading strategist around creating exceptional content and presence that lasts online. Great journal entries have, at times, been the source of wonderful essays! 36. 4.9. Here are some sentence starters I recommend! I will hold your interest. WebYou are my sunshine. Youre a genius, you moron! I love you like Kanye loves Kanye. Your lips are getting really close to mine. Idiot, I love you. I look at you, and I want to You can also use a question or an inspirational quote. By using Content Marketing Institute. Discover (and save!) How tall is it? Your best friend wants you to help her write a love story about her boyfriend that the college literary journal will publish in time for Valentines Day. People frequently misuse the word literally. It means exactly. The admirers only signature is a three-digit number, but you dont know what the number could refer to. Start strong by diving right into your subject. Is this a highly technical white paper for a select group of industry insiders? Suddenly, the merry-go-round stopped and all the horses came to life! WebHeres a list of 300+ fluff prompts to give you ideas for your stories. Summer clouds. From the next room, I heard my little sister laughing hysterically. I was playing hide-and-seek with my friend when I saw something Ive never seen before. Fluff with a fork, and the rice is ready to serve. First . It all started when I took home the wrong backpack. He insists on going somewhere private to explain why. You dont. Heres a tip: Want to make sure your writing shines? 20. You inherit a movie theater or half of one, anyway. 50. He expands his chest and fluffs out his forehead feathers. Sign up for our newsletter to get exclusive content marketing news and resources. WebOct 11, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by liat so. Sentence starters help ease the process for the reader by smoothing over jarring transitions and preparing the reader for the next topic. When she's not whipping up a meal or out in the garden, she loves to write & encourage other homeschool mamas with practical tips and biblical truth. 37. Sentence starters are not necessary for every sentence. You agree to meet with him and debate whether to tell him more. And dont start sentences with then because it makes them clunky and difficult to read. Hey friends! Your mother suddenly enters and looks you up and down. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. A former connection comes to your door on a full moon, and you almost refuse to let him in. You hit it off and agree to watch one of his plays with him as a second date. To emphasize or visualize completeness, use more descriptive terms. Did she score a five out of 10? To satisfy a math requirement, you take a class in Statistics and youre immediately drawn to a classmate who explains the material better than the prof does. If youre looking for a romance plot generator to help you create a story that will make you an instant reader favorite, here are a few on the web that can help: Most of these use basic templates with fields that are randomly filled from a pool of available options. where would we go? Example 2: With the help of my friends, I was able to complete the project. Here are two ways to improve it: The first sentence locates and quantifies the many people who endorse content marketing. These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. 40. If you say, Marketers never consider their clients, youre horribly off base. 1. Sentence starters are certain words or phrases that precede the rest of the sentence and are usually separated by commas. Good writing is precise as well as focused. You have been successfully subscribed to the Grammarly blog. Many of these relate to the rules established above. In this post, we have listed over 150 story starters to get your story started with a bang! Your reader shouldnt need a map to navigate your sentence. WebHow to use Fluff in a sentence fluff Meanings Synonyms Sentences At the husky female voice, Dusty turned to see Jenn fluff Jonny's hair as she passed. Even having your students do some journaling before starting a prompt could be useful. Or even just coffee if you dont have a lot of time?, Wow, I didnt think you could make me smile this big., Quit smiling at me, I cant stop messing up my sentences when you look at me like that., Youre hiding under the blanket because youre blushing?, Dont give me that puppy dog face. . Applying an all-inclusive adjective paints with too broad a brush and is reckless. I remember the moment like it was yesterday, 16. Find another word descriptive of your subject or remove thing, e.g., We can all relate to feeling embarrassed. Lilies are graceful blooms.. This phrasing adds no meaning and makes sentences unnecessarily longer. 21. ., Third . 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'">. One minute, I was sitting quietly reading a book; the next thing I knew, I was running away from, 32. 2. 9. That pressurecreating a story out of thin aircan be a total inspiration-killer. Or maybe cute isnt really what youre going for. In the words of Stephen King. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. That night, you find a note at your door with the same handwriting. 52. But you took the time to read some prompts, and now your in-house story generator is churning on some ideas old and new. For example, the cup was filled to the brim with water, works much better than the cup was filled completely with water.. In these instances, sentence starters can provide that context without becoming a tangent. 42. It turns out that Google doesnt like fluff either, and unnecessary filler gets in the way of search engine optimization (SEO). So it essentially means, As a writer, I use sentences and words. Most do. The bigger problem is that the sentence is empty. In other words, dont rehash the basics unless you need to. So, dont be ashamed of your mess. So here are 55 creative one-line story starters to ease the burden of the dreaded blank page.. He just joined your team at work, and youre drawn to his warmth, intelligence, and unsettling dark eyes. But streamlining descriptions and cutting fluff often has a positive effect on SEO. Some sentences dont make sense without context. Go for percentages, pounds, solid units of measurement. With that in mind, lets get to the list: This is one of the flabbiest phrases I see in writing. Despite this, many people use it, particularly as a transition or explanatory word. Heres how to recognize fluff and some strategies to fix or avoid it. Grammarist maintains a growing list of common redundancies, including: Another common source of redundancy is lists of modifiers with similar meanings. Writing is hard. After all, every good storyline begins with ideation. 30. I dont see work anywhere needing to be done., Dont make me use the stare. Search prompt ideas to find my prompt lisfs! Consider these two headlines: Stuff You Should Do for a More Successful Blog or 5 Writing Tricks for a More Successful Blog. The specificity and clarity of the second headline is more helpful to your readers. Sentence starters ease the transition from explaining the big picture to showing those same ideas at work in the real world. In fact, using them too much can distract your reader. It can drum up ideas they may not have thought of otherwise. For years, you thought you were born without the capacity for sexual attraction, but when you meet someone in the college dining hall, you feel an intense urge to grab hold of him and kiss him. It annoys These content writing tips are designed to make your work stand out and rank. You stop at your favorite used bookstore and buy one of their grab-bags to help with a fundraiser. Check out our list of the best travel blog ideas for inspiration, and start your new blog headed in the right direction. Oh, sorry I was just thinking about my girl/boyfriend., Im so in love with her/him, I dont know what do do., I remember practicing how to ask you out to the mirror.. Plus, I think if Im gonna write a book, I want it to be more of a challenge.. Youll throw something on it, play with it for a while, delete what youve written and start over. Instead of using these vague phrases, replace them with hard-and-fast statistics. I was taking a nap when I woke up to find myself surrounded by hundreds of people. And you know why. Your writing doesnt make the list. When you open it, you find a peculiar hardcover book with a handwritten message inside. Cut filler words bloating your online #content, says @JuliaEMcCoy. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Sentence starters are the words or phrases that introduce the rest of the sentence, typically set apart by commas. Grammarly can help. Get rid of it and work on making your transitions sentence to sentence and paragraph to paragraph flow better. What context do they need? i love you, too. 4. If you say, Her behavior was kind of rude, what do you mean? None of this is wasted effort. #writingtips, The Secrets of High-Performing Online Content, 57+ Content Tools, Tips, and Examples to Make Your Writing Better, Cant Get That Click? Instead, use words that add power such as obtained and earned., Often teases readers by telling them that something happens frequently without being clear. In my view, it fluffed its chances by going in a variety of directions. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the, Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes, Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. It develops its topic but communicates its points clearly and efficiently. Remember those students who played with the margins of a paper or inflated their word count with filler content? In general, a sentence starter is a quick word or phrase at the beginning of a sentence to help the reader transition, such as the phrase in general. Without them, writing can be disorganized, disconnected, and therefore hard to read. 10. Avoid wordy sentences and expressions. Theres something to be said about just getting their creative juices flowing. Just today?, Work? Whether used correctly or incorrectly, the word often is superfluous. To smooth your text, remove the word then whenever the sentence makes sense without it. #2 What would you say if I asked you. #writingtips, Dont use always or never because theyre seldom true, says @JuliaEMcCoy. When I woke up this morning, there were hundreds of balloons everywhere! Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. Your best friend tells you about a wealthy family living in the area and when she shows you a journalistic piece she wrote on them for the local newspaper, you It doesnt need a useless adverb to make it stronger. Enjoy these prompts when youre itching to write some short stories about love. In some situations, sentence starters arent necessary, but they help make a point stand out. Informa PLCs registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. Even if youre writing an opinion piece, readers should understand that based on the context, making I think a needless phrase. The day began normally until I noticed an odd smell coming from the kitchen sink. Is there a scale of rude behavior? I always wondered what it would be like if it actually rained cats and dogs, then it happened. It also forces you to identify the agent of the action and assign clear responsibility. Your readers dont enjoy those things either. Your vampire cousin has confessed to you his developing attachment to a shifter woman (feline) who works with him and who recently divorced her cheating husband. 26. 1. Its much easier to fix fluff in writing than to completely avoid it from the outset. WebHeres a list of 300+ fluff prompts to give you ideas for your stories. They introduce the topic of the sentence, so the reader knows what to expect. Your new roommate seems intensely interested in your life and wants to know everything about you. Webfluff sentence starters ~ buttercup bee on tumblr | Writing inspiration prompts, Writing words, Writing prompts Explore Uploaded to Pinterest fluff sentence starters ~ buttercup They still had a long way to go when it started snowing. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. 29. The second sentence takes ownership of the opinion and sets it up to expand in a particular direction. Any one of these four points would make the sentence fluffy. My dad silently handed me a piece of a paper that was actually a treasure map leading to. The flank and ventral feathers are not always fluffed out, and the intensity of the display probably depends on the relationship of the two birds. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. 54. 9. Because each sentence essentially has its own individual topic, these writings frequently jump from point to point, sometimes abruptly. 39. Hes about to leave when he notices the book youre holding. I was walking around the neighborhood when I stumbled onto a secret passage. They want more specific information to make good decisions and to connect with your writing on a deeper level. 51. In the middle there is a joining part that picks up, Throughout the 1890s, he was also composing songs, popular, Many people find that, at the beginning and end of the day, a small lump of, They also engage in visual displays including flying bouncingly like a butterfly or in an upright display, body-, At maturity, they open to release a white, The couscous swells and within a few minutes it is ready to, While the paper is wet, it is clamped, so as it dries the free sections, He added that the remainder of the documentary is chiefly, Papers with lower surface strength lead to, The information segments were removed and only the, The raw material is long fibered softwood, Her costume is very smooth and sleek and her make up is fairly simple, without warmers or, The skin is thin and waxy, and the hollow core contains a small amount of insignificant, The film shows the members of the band surrounded by a crowd of girls, playing in a dark room with blinking light and falling, Unworthy visitors are instantly obliterated, as goes the story of the caretaker who was turned into dandelion, Unworthy visitors are instantly obliterated as goes the story of the caretaker who was turned into dandelion, The dancer wears a roach headdress with either one to two feathers or two, The passive hand smooths yarn, picks out vegetable matter, and pulls out extra bits of, Suppliers usually age the mugwort and grind it up to a, The fruit is a slender cylindrical capsule containing numerous seeds embedded in fine, soft silky, Disposable diaper producers also were early to convert to, Several brands of vegan marshmallows and marshmallow, Where they do not provide gaming rules for their subject, blurbs also fall under the definition of the, The nest is cup shaped and deep lined with hair and, In the one case, a drunk man became a sick man while cleaning, Inside, the nest is tidy and compact, lined with fine grasses and plant, The microphone was not switched off after her lines were delivered which led to her reaction over the, The cushion of the chair is typically thick velveteen material filled with cotton, Tumors and inhaled objects (possible if bedding contains loose, Also in the 1980s started the use of superabsorbents in diapers and reduced the need for, Strides in absorption performance have allowed the development of the ultra-thin baby diaper which uses a fraction of the materials particularly, Though petite women are often able to get down to a smaller waist in absolute numbers, women with more, The process chops thin-film road-waste into a light, Everything that obstructed the realization of his reforms would be jettisoned like so much, If women are seen on television reporting on soft (or. Replace often with specific descriptions such as five times a week or every year., Perhaps the laziest descriptive word of all, very can be deleted in any sentence without taking away the intended meaning. The males may chase females with head lowered, wing lowered and neck fluffed. 8. WebDo you want some? Qualify it. Youre looking through old photo albums when you see a face youd all but forgotten the face of an old high school crush whod flirted with you but had never asked you out. Put them into practice for dynamic, crisp writing that keeps readers engaged. 16. WebI fluffed it the first time but got it right two bars later, he reported. As you get rid of the fluff, you can build up the muscles in your content: When you write in a way thats easier for people to understand, your content is likely to attract more readers. 28. Let the reader know what they can expect from the rest of the article. No one ever has to know what the first draft looked like. When readers abandon your site, Google devalues your content. You take a job as a social worker who visits shut-ins and develop an attachment to a man a little older than you who is agoraphobic. While many of the following prompts at least imply a female protagonist, feel free to change the gender to suit your own story. It sounded like a trumpet, and it was coming from outside. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Watch out for them in your work. Different genres have their own conventions and create their expectations for the reader. Its me, Im the change of plans., Youve been working too much, experts say. I value your time. Need help developing and executing your content strategy? Here, open your mouth Ill feed you some! Zip. You know as well as any author that crafting a story your readers will love is not a cake walk. In online writing land, clarity is your best friend. Registered in England and Wales. Includes seasonal and themed vocabulary lists and so much more to keep your students engaged! Your best friend tells you about a wealthy family living in the area and when she shows you a journalistic piece she wrote on them for the local newspaper, you recognize one of the young men as the tall, reserved, green-eyed guy at the library. Writers block is something kids deal with, too! One-sentence writing prompts are just what they sound likean opening sentence or idea thats meant to inspire a story. 10. 5. The Manors Keeper. We were driving along when I saw a huge black cloud heading our way. Becoming Justice. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. 11. Your writing, at its best Youre intensely drawn to someone in your class, and twice now youve looked into his eyes and you swear they were different colors each time cool blue when you first met and a warm green when he looked at you in a way that lit you up inside. I was doing my homework when I heard a loud crash downstairs. I was just minding my own business when something stopped me in my tracks. Why is it so bad? Sometimes, its simply unnecessary. I can wait until youre done talking to them., No, like. Follow her on Twitter @JuliaEMcCoy. Develop your theme rather than going off on tangents. 39. But sometimes, those gears grind to a halt, and they get stuck. The fluffs records were unusual in that each contained some egregious errorusually in the lyricsby the performer. Topic sentences are like the sentence starters of an entire essaythey introduce what the paragraph or entire text is about so the readers know what to expect. Thats your business. Web2 With and without. Although theyre common in fiction, sentence starters are most useful for nonfiction, in particular essay writing. Some of the most important words in writing are those that begin a sentence. She's been named in the top 30 of all content marketers worldwide, is the founder of Content Hacker, and recently exited her 100-person writing agency with a desire to help marketers,teams, and entrepreneurs find the keys of online success and revenue growth without breaking. Believe and think imply something is opinion or indicate doubt in its validity. Your new job has an unexpected and life-changing benefit: fully-paid lodgings in an opulent manor. After all, if you want your audience to respect you and your authority or position, the best way to start is by respecting them. Save these for the sentences you really want your readers to remember above all else. In this paragraph, very qualifies rarely and could be cut. You may find an unexpected angle or insight that takes the piece to the next level, or you might need to delete words, sentences, or paragraphs. Grammarly helps strengthen your academic writing. Free yourself to make both discoveries and mistakes. Part of knowing your audience is knowing what they already know. And its not to be underestimated. The first draft is all about exploring possibilities and just letting the words flow out of you, however ridiculous they sound. Posted on August 15, 2016 by Bryn Donovan. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Redundant phrases happen when you add a modifier to another word that already implies the modifier as part of its definition. Paragraph starters fulfill that same role, typically providing an organizational signpost via introduction sentence starters to bridge the gap between the previous and current topics. 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