The Gotthard ceremony featured a "goat-man" resembling, it will also be where lust and greed are more prevailant and there will be no control on what is done towards the believers in Christ jesus. Actors perform in a sequence meant to represent Britains National Health Service during the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympic Games in London on July 27, 2012.The video shows the nurses putting the children to bed as a lullaby plays. Displaying hospital beds and the Grim Reaper. ThisGuyHere - Bringing you the information you need, to be an Informed Human Being.2017 CERN Tunnel opening ritual ceremony ~ Deleted Scenes.Disclaimer: All works by ThisGuyHere are criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching and research.-All footage taken falls under ''fair use'' of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998). CERN made the largest machine ever made. The book Zenith 2016 explains the occult significance of these deities with Lady Justice: According to Virgil and the Cumaean Sibyl, whose prophecy formed the novus ordo seclorum of the Great Seal of the United States, the New World Order begins during a time of chaos when the earth and oceans are totteringa time like today. Nearly a year later, the theory is still spreading, even though nothing in the Olympics performance mentions the new type of coronavirus that emerged in China late in 2019. Many in the West say that the Allies owed much to Heisenberg, for it is believed that he actually stalled and intentionally misled the Nazis, hoping the Allies would win the race to find the bomb. Lew Kowarski, one of Heisenbergs colleagues, claims that Heisenberg had inexplicably insisted that the original acronym CERN remain in effect. Get the best news straight to your inbox! want to know more about cern. But why is this goat man in such a position of power? GOTTHARD TUNNEL OPENING CEREMONY EXPLAINED ( (SWITZERLAND (CERN) SATANIC RITUAL)) RELOADED 10.8K 3 13th upload Attempt ---Different format---This video shows a lot more footage than the last one and gives an explanation of what you are seeing. The Maenads danced and drank themselves into an ecstatic frenzy, usually dressing in fawn skins (something the followers of Cernunnos also do), carrying a long stick or staff adorned with a pine cone (symbol of the pineal gland, itself considered a doorway into another realm). Light ALWAYS overcomes darkness! NOT. Predictive programming. They also just so-happened to add a golden statue of their god Shiva and stage (?) Warning: This article contains partial nudity, Swiss Gotthard rail tunnel - an engineering triumph, Greek transport minister resigns after deadly train crash, Covid origin likely China lab incident - FBI chief, Ukraine war casts shadow over India's G20 ambitions, Blackpink lead top stars back on the road in Asia, India anti-corruption crusader fighting to clear his name, Exploring the rigging claims in Nigeria's elections, 'Wales is in England' gaffe sparks TikToker's trip, Record numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story. Shiva has been compared to Dionysus,[ix] another fertility god associated with vegetation, forest, streams, and dancingpowers also attributed to Cernunnos. By every assessment it's Satanic. This video is from the ceremony of the opening of the Switzerland Gotthard base tunnel. Consisting of a ring 27 kilometers (16.7 miles) in circumference, the Large Hadron Collider - located deep underneath the Alps - is made of superconducting magnets chilled to 271.3C (-456 . Ordo ab chao, order out of chaos, has been the plan for millennia, and the invasion commences when the Abyss is finally opened, and its monstrous inhabitants are set free. In May, the Myth Detectors website in the Eurasian nation of Georgia looked in detail at similar claims circulating there and said they are false. It is attacking wilfully the Person of the Holy Spirit by attributing a miracle done by Lord Jesus to Satan. Because they are quite literally trying to use it to summon demons. Who (other than sicko Elites) is so fascinated by a Goat? Going through the Swiss Alps, the tunnel took 17 years to complete and is said to be a symbol of European unification in a context of rising nationalism and closing borders. Now let me ask you, unless youre on a LOT of drugs, who comes up with this CRAP? Try 3 issues of BBC Science Focus Magazine for 5! It's a one way down period. Take a look at the world of science that gives massive evidence of using God gene or alien intelligence? The performance, designed to celebrate Great Britains National Health Service and history of childrens literature at the same time, is certainly an unusual mashup, but nothing in it said or depicted anything about the coronavirus. watch hell cop the movie that how hell is i bet yall go and taylor switft there she cant call the law on no one none of the celebs can elon musk is the antichrist and bill gates the false prophet yall pope francis died of the cov19 thats a clone and cgi hologram used mike pence dead of the cov19 yall that a clone or double used.. trump blue tie been in a coma he knows he won just woke up that who going back in power soonthe trump with red tie like to joke look at the late dick gregory youtube videos he say it 2 trumps dick even mention 2 pac alive had a vest on. However, the term Jura also refers to the Latin word for law. This is another reflection of the ancient goddess Columbia, Athena, Maat, Themis, Dike, and all those who are Lady Justice, a deity that weighs our souls in the balance. Greater light is being revealed to us, see Mauro Biglino and Paul Wallis: But to understand why such a fanciful prophecy about Apollo, son of Jupiter, returning to Earth should be important to you: In ancient literature, Jupiter was the Roman replacement of Yahweh as the greatest of the godsa counter-Yahweh. His son Apollo is a replacement of Jesus, a counter-Jesus. This Apollo comes to rule the final New World Order, when Justice returns, returns old Saturns [Satans] reign. The ancient goddess Justice, who returns Satans reign (Saturnia regna, the pagan golden age), was known to the Egyptians as Maat and to the Greeks as Themis, while to the Romans she was Lustitia. When the demon is cast out he goes back to the arid places finds seven worse then him and the condition of that person is seven times worse that at the beginning. Here they are performing a ritual outside with Shiva: And in the opinion of this reporter, theyre right. They will be setting a world record by firing it up at 13.6 trillion electron volts (13.6 TeV). Measuring over 57 km and costing over 11 billion Euros, the Gotthard Base Tunnel is worlds longest and most expensive tunneling project in History. While most would expect an up-beat, celebratory ceremony, guests were rather treated to a disturbing show orchestrated by German director Volker Hesse, where a man dressed as a goat presided a strange ritual. For instance, note how Napoleons name literally translates to the true Apollo.. But as I said, it resulted in another switch - this time from math, back to engineering as I explained. CERN dug the tunnel. Both Apollyon (Greek) and Abaddon (in the Hebrew) mean the destroyer, just as Shiva is the destroyer. There is a giant sculpture of a sleeping baby in the background. 0. Of course, to the Illuminati, the truly ignorant are the foolish Christians. Saint-Genis-Pouilly is a township within the county of Ain in eastern France. In the same year, CERN generated 49 petabytes of data. These are always intended to condition mankind to the coming universal religion. Nice knowing everyone. opening tunnel illuminati ritual gotthard ceremony explained cern switzerland - satanic FREE email alerts of the most important BANNED videos in the world Get FREE email alerts of the most important BANNED videos in the world that are usually blacklisted by YouTube, Facebook, Google, Twitter and Vimeo. Hell is their final destination. We Really DO live in The Matrix! they show you in their satanic religious ceremony exactly what the storyline is: demonic march to destruction; orgy; halfbreed nephilim flies in; goat man appears at the end from the portal Is it not astonishing that, following upon the heels of two world wars in which millions upon millions of human lives were sacrificedand upon the discovery of a mighty weapon that changed history forever, that being the atomic bombthe victors in both wars would come together to form a scientific endeavor that would unlock the secrets of the universe? CERN: Opening portals in the name of 'science'. The opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland at CERN was literally a satanic ceremony attended by Europe's most powerful elite. Hence the statue of Shiva, whose role is to destroy the universe in order to re-create it.#NWO, Rightofmind (@Rightofmind1) July 4, 2022. This bizarre, ritualistic, occult ceremony was performed on June 1st, 2016 in order to dedicate the Gotthard Railroad Tunnel located in Switzerland. Shocker, It Pushes Global Government, Why I am not a Jehovahs Witness or Mormon, Dispensationalism Before Darby by William C. Watson (Tim Chaffey, Alf Cengia and Dr. David Reagan). Enter Werner Karl Heisenberg, a renowned German Nobel laureate physicist who is often called the founder of quantum mechanics. He served as head of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute during World War II, heading up the Nazi push to create an atomic weapon. Oh, and if this all sounds EXACTLY like the plot to Stranger Things (especially Seasons 2 and 3) then youd be 100% correct. October 2022, Two witnesses, Jubilee, Time of Jacobs Trouble, Rapture time???, Dr. Doom (@MajorX11878154) June 26, 2020. Been off 3+ years. In other words, they are the only ones who can make such projects happen because they control politics, finance, and business. [x] Could these ancient petroglyphs also be omens of the horned beast god emerging from a vortex spiral? Much like the mystery religions and secret societies (of which Freemasonry is a prime example), the initiates receive hidden knowledge that is passed down from mentor to apprentice, and each level achieved brings with it additional clarification as to the true purpose of the organization (or cult). Osiris, with his green skin, reflects the forest nature of Cernunnos and Dionysus. As the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the world in the spring of 2020, odd memes and conspiracy theories spread along with it, including one related to the 2012 Summer Olympics. Many eminent physicists believe it has the potential to destroy not just the world, but the universe itself. Nimrod most likely was a product of a profane mating of fallen angel (god) and human. Thinking about CERN & recent predictive programming. Possible Massive Changes To US Dollar. [iii]Richard Bullivant, Beyond Time TravelExploring Our Parallel Worlds: Amazing Real Life Stories in the News (Time Travel Books, 2014) Kindle Edition, 781785. Help Support Palbulletin by Subscribing to Locals Today! Break on Through To the Other SideCERN and its Opera, 2023 END-TIMES PROPHECY (70th Week of Daniel Revealed). Well, after one studies the original languages of the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, the message of the Kingdom of God was preached to and accepted by a certain House in With its name and by placing a bronze Shiva sculpture prominently in front of its headquarters, CERN is indicating to those with eyes to see that the colliders true purpose is to open a portal to the underworldto create a stargate or god-gate, which would serve as a doorway between worlds. The tie that binds us all together is that we all come from a family tree connected by our bloodline, and Photosynthesis provides the air we breathe. Antichrist needs this in order to carry out his total control and bring in the other prophecies. UPDATE: 2:50PM. We're not sure what this was all about either From the World Cup to the Olympics, it is not a significant event if you don't have an unusual opening ceremony to go with it. One stated goal of CERN is to attempt to see if they can open inter-dimensional portals. These Are The Days To Realize That It IS About To Happen! The opening ceremonies for the Gotthard Base Tunnel were one long elaborate satanic ritual. This was published by the Channel TRUTH WILL OUT Gotthard Base Tunnel opening ceremony at CERN. While countrymen work the land and run around maypoles (which incidentally bear a cosmic and phallic occult meaning), a young boy in the crowd stands up and sings part of a classical English hymn, William Blake's Jerusalem. Is this the most obvious 666 of all logos? check the desrciption box on youtube or in my notes for a link to the gotthard tunnel opening ceremony. Charles Penglase is an Australian professor who specializes in ancient Greek and Near Eastern religion and mythology. CERN explains on its website: "LSAG [LHC Safety Assessment Group] reaffirms and extends the conclusions of the 2003 report that LHC collisions present no danger and there are no reasons for. There's supposedly a black hole portal that is going to open as CERN goes to max energy for history record on July 5th 2022. A giant DEATH walking around a room full of hospital beds.. The conspiracy theorists see clues to the pandemic in the performance. [CDATA[*/ var d = new Date(); var n = d.getFullYear(); document.getElementById('getYear').innerHTML = n; /*]]>*/ Christian Evidence. The fact that CERN can open a doorway into another dimension is something that is known and expected. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Open. It is the longest and the deepest railroad tunnel in the entire world, and it took 17 years to build. Get the best Trump news straight to your inbox! But its powering back up on July 5th and theyre dialing up the power to a level never before tested. Inherent within this theoretical realm, populated by obtuse equations and pipe-smoking scientists, lies what I call the Babylon Potential. This is the secret knowledgethe scientific imperative, informed and driven by spiritual advisersthat the Bible cites as the key to opening a gateway for the gods. It is Entemenanki, Baba-alu, the opening of the Abzu, the doorway to Hell. [viii] This ritual is performed on the back of a demon named Apasmara who is said to represent ignorance. It was not always possible. this is Not a joke people!! 666 in the logo. a ritualistic sacrifice at the statue. Consequently, during Einsteins day, no one took the possibility of traveling through such a gate very seriously. The math works. A perfect example of an heresy is the Catholic cult of Mary. Is Biden Trying To HIDE This Video From The Internet? The door would be opened, and the energy levels would be measure to prove that CERN had accomplished its task, and the door would be closed. satan's leash may be getting longer, but God still holds that leash. What does CERN have to do with it? It is even probable that gravity from our own universe may transfer into this parallel universe, If we do detect mini black holes at this energy, then we are going to know that additional dimensions are correct.[v]. As I discussed in my article on the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2012 London Olympics, the occult elite enjoys putting on full display its agenda and philosophy symbolic, dramatic displays which are reminiscent of dramas re-enacted in secret society rituals. Jun 17, 2016CERN, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, So this happenedAnd yes, this is ritual NOT art It should also be mentioned that at the time of the Roman occupation of the area, the predominant inhabitants were the Celts, which takes us back to Cernunnos. None other than Shiva the God of Destruction. Opening Ceremony. This excerpt from Zenith 2016 and the CERN relationship with the Jura Mountains becomes even clearer when we examine the second of the towns mentioned earlierPouilly, established by the Romans as Apolliacum, which reportedly served as the location for a temple to Apollo. The only question is whether it was planned. Supposedly it will use more power than the entire USA does in 1 year. Exactly 16.6 miles around. Trump Right Again: Pence DID Have The Power and This Just Proved It! These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Read more. To add more information, another commenter shared a poster of famous people making the shh gesture. On July 5th,22, 2022 @CERN will be firing up their large hadron collider. Be the first to know about everything going on behind-the-scenes at Team Holderness with our weekly newsletter. our lord name is esu immuael not jesus christ. 459 Grnmler Pay gmmek ndir orijinal. Mass media, in its vein attempts at explaining this ceremony, state that there are mountain goats in the Alps which explains the goat man. They fired up the collider back in 2012 and this happened: Coincidence? The director of CERN, Sergio Bertolucci, said, "The Large Hadron Collider at CERN could open a door to an extra dimension, and out of this door might come something, or we might send something . [v] It says Vow of Silence and the gesture is a reminder of the Masonic obligation of silence. At the top is a quote by Freemason philosopher Manly P. Hall about reading symbolism. 00:00. 2 drops 7/1.,,,,, CERN said the ritualistic sacrifice to Shiva was a prank by their researchers. This is all true. Back up on July 5th,22, 2022 @ CERN will cern opening ceremony explained firing up large. Esu immuael not Jesus christ be firing up their large hadron collider Shiva was a prank by their researchers and... 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