The Saints thing is bonkers and transparently was there to get polytheistic people into the church. Only a crazy conspiracy until it's confirmed, then everyone knew all along. The "window of the Holy Spirit" above the altar of St. Peter IS THE MOUTH OF THE SNAKE BUILDING. Are they trying to mock us? Havent you heard of the ancient order of the Quonset? The serpent of Genesis was not a snake. I had discounted it as fanciful for years but now Im more open to the idea. Notice the similarities in the shape, the roofing and scaly skin, and the placement of eyes. It is Latin for "morning star". Vatican City is the world's smallest fully independent nation-state. It was conducted as if the mere presence of those in the congregation was all that was required. That ain't Christian rising from the destruction. (See /r/culturallayer for the last one..). I swayed off topic, I thought I would insert now common day phycology tricks that we can play on people without them even physically noticing. Also the Pope talked about bringing all religions together in some type of one world religionhmmmmmmmm. In their view, Adam & Eve were enslaved, eating the apple lead to their illumination, knowledge and the realization that they had been ignorant captives of God. The story of Lucifer as you describe it isn't even in the Bible. 666) over one eye. I was listening to Sam Tripolis Tin Foil Hat podcast the other day and he had on David Icke and Eddie Bravo and they talked a little about lizard people. In order to facilitate the view of the papal throne, even the floor has a double convex curvature. From the latter name comes our word America. Your fear makes you pay close attention to most details. The sculpture in the middle is pretty creepy the resurrection. Sure is. In the Vatican gardens, the papal coat of arms is depicted in topiary. There are even theories that it was introduced to the mesoamericans by an even older civilization thought to have perished over 12 000 years ago. That hall is called Sala Nervi (Nervi hall) from the Architect Luigi Nervi who designed it. Was this before 1962? This fire is just one of a half-dozen or so major blazes involving hazardous materials taking place across America this week. This explanation is not something new, something that is mine: what we are studying is what Saint Paul says in a very serious conflict with the Galatians. Good luck. David Icke is a shill, all symbolism ties back to the snake. There are many more examples of satanic imagery if you care to look. Odd right? Dominion submitted a bid to The City of Philadelphia to be considered for use in elections. It is a design. Yet I consider myself Christian because I follow Christ. It's un-fucking-canny and very difficult for an honest person to dismiss. To me, the fact that it's solar powered and therefore have bunch of panels like scales is another nod at how well intended everything was. It appears to me that this is a very old conspiracy thats still very active today. I'll admit, the resemblance is rather striking. You know, for equality. It could also just mean to bind someone to its code and teachings. General Michael Flynn had to be removed. Found in unsealed Maxwell documents - Allegations against Dershowitz - Not only did Dershowitz abuse the minor, but he helped draft a non-prosecution agreement that gave Dershowitz immunity. How many of these companies and agencies, etc, used this SolarWind software [KNOWINGLY]? I'm not sure. The fire comes at a time when the US suffers from a severe shortage of eggs due to bird flu wiping out tens of millions of egg-laying hens. My form of Christianity is about an open channel of communication with God. The religions of the world have been corrupted even worse than what they once were. Your complaint here is ironically part of why the Crusades, which you later seem to hypocritically condemn, happened. The Eastern Church still retains a lot more of the mystical elements of the faith, whereas the Western (Roman) Church, while still having some mysticism, has also embraced intellectualism (evidenced by scientists, medical doctors, and other priests with less theological/spiritual emphasis). This is one of the weird things I found online that I cant explain without invoking seriously bat shit crazy level conspiracy theories. They purposefully adopted pagan religious holidays and customs to trick people into converting, established and rooted thousands of miles away from where the entire Bible takes place, and the holy text was compiled, edited, and changed by an enclave of Europeans hundreds of years later, and then used to justify invasions, murder, and slavery for thousands of years. Now, where shit got really interesting was when we got to architecture and how buildings were made to also express an encoded message, like most all other art. Don't worry, you crazy paranoid "anti-vaxxers," no one wants to force you to get vaccinated. I like the mushroom at the end of your post. Dracons have alot of influence on humanity. There is some variation to this based on the church season, but thats the baseline. Where does the idea of a priest even come from?, Antonio Sabato Jr (@AntonioSabatoJr) February 16, 2023, The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy also said it is aware of the train derailment in Van Buren Township, Wayne County, where initial reports indicate no threat to the public from the derailment. I dont understand why people think Freemasons worship Satan? More Accusers Step Forward With Evidence Against Ghislaine Maxwell, Prosecutors Say. I grew up going to church but stopped in my teens. The large hall is purported by conspiracy theorists to have been built to look like the head of a snake. "A US Postal worker was just caught on video throwing a stack of my campaign mailers in a dumpster. Our universities are bought and probably laundering money. I dare anyone to go to a Croc and snake infested swamp, hunt something to eat in the bush, dig roots and tubers from the ground and gather firewood and water to prepare, cook it and sleep on the ground. Pope Francis In Poland Tells World Famous Photographer I Am The Devil Then Laughs It Off. Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. See how it feels for you. I just went past my 1st reddit birthday and I'm 100% certain I saw this post within my first month or so of use. Twenty have more than tripled. We are meant to be afraid and hopeless. Unseal the deals! Don't know why, but it does. Who cares the church is just mind control serpent or not. The word snake in that instance was mistranslated. The Vatican taken over from within by its arch enemy? What stuck with me the most was the section on churches. Full disclosure: I am not catholic, but my wife is, and I go to mass with her because there isnt a church that I feel a member of, and it makes her happy tend to call myself a non-denominational Protestant. This ain't no coincidence not in this city, not with that much money and people working on the project. Snake`s head fritillary flower, photographed at Eastcote House Gardens, London Borough of Hillingdon UK, in spring. from what ive been thought they dont even have a hell (in school i was thought that they had a purgatory where they went for 3 months or something like that for them to cleanse themselves of their sins and then went to heaven), Everyone thinks the one world religion is Islam, The Catholic Church is just an extension of the Roman Empire, We are at the feet of iron and clay portion of the prophecy, Watch out when Israel starts building the 3rd temple, Which prophecy? ., The New York Times (@nytimes) February 14, 2023. Plandemic II: Indoctornation (Documentary). Im sure most Catholics are great people, but the Catholic Church has been about control, wealth and deception since Constantine. When people ask for Bibles, we send them out atno charge. Today is the one year anniversary of Ghislaine Maxwell's arrest - and the last day that u/MaxwellHill posted on Reddit. They read directly from the Bible on 3 occasions in the mass, usually thematically linked passages, one from the Old Testament, one from the new, and one that is a direct quotation or deed of Christ from the gospels. When the Pope excommunicated the Eastern Orthodox Patriarch, the Roman Church slowly changed to the up, down, left, right, while the Eastern Church continued with the traditional up, down, right, left. Religion comes from the word religare meaning to bind or hold back. Its everywhere in the vatican, This was talked about on Joe Rogan with Eddie Bravo, In the Bible, Satan is pictured as a reptile who will have a coming war with King Jesus at the Battle of Armageddon at the Second Coming. And as most of us know the church is kind of obsessed between the distinction between right and wrong. When looking at the secrets held within Vatican City, perhaps the most logical place to start is the Vatican Secret Archives. vatican snake church. The intent is to make you doubt your allies and trust your enemies. He was but a man that lived and died like any other. Because Judaism Islam and Christianity all have the same roots in Saturn worship. If you were bit by a venomous snake that was game over. Inside you see fangs, snake eyes and scales. The serpent of Genesis was not a snake, it was a bright angelic being we know as Satan. It's subtle enough that people noticed, but not enough to outright call it out in public. The war is REAL, the battle HOT and the time is SHORTto the FIGHT!!! Reddit banned the webpage that lists 44 peer-reviewed studies, 39 of which show that ivermectin is effective against COVID19. We are also in touch with the relevant federal authorities, including the EPA, Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Mich., said in a statement obtained by Fox2 Detroit. I had the idea of depicting Christ as if He were rising again from the explosion of this large olive grove, peaceful site of His last prayers. Worshipping a dead man wont bring you any closer to enlightenment. Its weird shit. For extra fun, notice that the Pope sits between the fangs, and speaks from the place where the forked tongue would be. He had to be shut down and silenced. Twitter is now disabling the ability to share or even Like Trump's tweets. Don't let big pharma shills and the fake news MSM tell you otherwise and do your own research. There are 44 peer-reviewed studies, 39 of which show that ivermectin is effective against COVID19. That Jesus statue depicts Jesus coming back after the doom of mankind. Jeffrey Epsteins Private Banker at Deutsche & Citi Found Swinging From a Rope; Executive Suicide Before FBI Questioned Him, Harvard epidemiologist says he is not saying the Corona virus was bioengineered as a bioweapon, but a new study analyzing the full genome says it does have a center segment in its genome encoding a special protein to get it into human cells, and it did not get there through natural random mechanisms. It is no accident that priests practice pedophilia. Weren't they the dominator of their period? Every damn newsroom repeated this crap. The Pope is the forked tongue and the voice of the anti Christ and the great deceiver, the serpent. You werent lying Im deep in some shit now. I wonder why the homeschooling movement is gaining in popularity? Wide lenses scrunch shit up, and the outside photos clearly show a snakes head shape. The ONLY gun salute that Biden got is specifically for a visit by a FOREIGN DIGNITARY to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington. (a mushroom) Maybe the serpent wasn't the bad guy, but the person wanting others to remain obedient and ignorant. That is your first clue the story isn't true. In fact, the layout of St. Peter's Basilica is key-shaped. The Bible calls this type of behavior necrophilia, or necromancy, and it is forbidden in both Testaments. They never had our consent to hurt us this bad. Maybe its because the knowledge of the fundamentals of duality, good and evil, was gifted by the snake in the garden of Eden, not God. From worshipping Mary to believing that humans (priests) have the ability to forgive sins to the obvious worldwide money grab and blatant shuffle game of accused pedophiles, they have nothing to do with Christ's message. I see a lot of people here looking for examples of how this can't be. among other things. Lucifer just realized his autonomy before other angels and gets this bad rep. Edit: basically what we know of Lucifer being evil comes from the very institution of it. It's possible but it isn't true. Here's the exterior. Usury is not synonymous with interest, though the masses think it is. Now, if the United States did blow up the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline, then any energy crisis experienced in Europe would actually be the fault of, not Russia, but the United States. He knew too much. Trump said this in 2012. He was the primary Deep State target. Just tryna divert the incoming attempts to discredit OP based on a technicality. Apparently he was a decent Pope, although he has been implicated in covering up or ignoring the sexual abuse of young boys by members of the Catholic clergy. Something about knowledge? That makes it even more nuts. I wonder if he'll have instagram. If you follow what I say and can swallow the powdered water close your eyes, and open your mind, this one's for you, if it's magick with a "k" you know it's serious. $0.99 + $4.98 shipping. have practices that are not allowed for the ordinary catholics. In this building you will find no cross like in the church. They even made the whole building look like reptile head. Most of Washington DC's construction and layout is all attributed to them as well. Has anyone actually been there? It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement. With the wide lens its stretched and it looks like a snake head. It's part of their satanic worship: openly offending God by building a TEMPLE SERPENT IDOL where the voice of the anti Christ make ritualistic satanic blood sacrifices, perform pedophilia, orgies and all manner of insults against The Most High God. Designed by award-winning Italian architectPier Luigi Nervi, the building is designed to seat 6300 people for conference with the Pope himself, who presents from a stage in front of a giant Satanic looking sculpture. This read like a description of everything written from tesla to moray about the sea of energy we live in. Young healthy doctor gets Covid vaccination - dies a month later. You can blame Christianity for that. So even from the outside and viewed from the sky, the entire building is a dead-ringer for a snakes head. They infer a succession of this power to those chosen by the Apostles to do such. 'Satan' rules the world. I think your analysis is perfect and exactly my own. Both churches still pray to the saints and Mary, but they both call it joining in prayer with the saints. 1. You can lose a trademark just because people call your product the wrong thing? The Abrahamic Family House In Abu Dhabi Set To Open And Will Serve As The International Headquarters Of The One World Religion Of Chrislam, NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: On February 4th The United Nations Will Again Celebrate Human Fraternity Day Document Created By The Pope And The Prince. This is very bad for elites. TPTB love to mock their intended targets by showing in plain site what they are about. Giger to design it! They purposefully adopted pagan religious holidays and customs to trick people into converting. Religion is tribal by nature, my tribe is better than yours because X religion conquers and divides the masses. Because they are the adversary of the self-existent. why does MSM never talk about it and act like no one cares? ",, What about amerigo vesbucci? Of course, none of this has anything to do with the coup in Ukraine sponsored by then-President Obama and then-Vice President Joe Biden that installed a puppet regime in 2014. You are right though! There are different levels of understanding, which is why Paul taught on different levels. Snowden tweeted that the hysteria was an engineered bait and switch to prevent the media from covering the pipeline explosion revelations. This person is a professor and the director of the Center for Humanities and the Arts at the University of Colorado. Looks like Wayfair is now changing their pricing. Let em eat sand while we pull the broken shards of what's salvageable together and make a world free of their brand of fear. Most-wanted pedoophile mastermind behind darknet sites that served thousands across the globe is arrested. The original name, Mons Vaticanus (meaning City of the Dead) and was founded as a cemetery (the Vatican Necropolis lies under the Vatican City pre 600 BCE as Temple to Cybele 204 BCE). There are Roman Catholics that follow the Byzantine Rite. Thanks for sharing. The choice is yours! AFP PHOTO / Filippo MONTEFORTE. The original freemasons were christians and it was a benevolent organization, it was then co opted later on. The chapel's stations of the cross are set in the floor. It is unmistakable. He just left more of a imprint on the world than your average person. But he also obviously died thousands of years ago also. Some have speculated food processing plants dont just accidentally catch on fire at the rate seen last year. It even more looks like a snake head now lol. Pedo elites are quite real and there's an uprising against those elites forming. His book is great too. You can get them in the Vatican gift shop. Its sad that even r/conspiracy cant seem to see or understand this. The clue here is when pedo priests began turning up (getting caught) what did the church do? That's not Jesus. is. June 29, 2022; creative careers quiz; ken thompson net worth unix . Named The Resurrection, Suddenly there came to me the idea of Christ preaching peace for 2,000 years, and the place where He prayed for the last time: the olive grove of Gethsemane, said Mr. Fazzini in a book about the work. Caecilians typically have a well-developed right lung along with a . Why did these Governors Defy Federal Guidelines and Put COVID-19 Patients into Ill-equipped Nursing Homes? A few years ago they actually rejiggered some of the responses because the English was felt to have strayed too far from those used in other language churches, switched and also with you to and with your spirit and such, Wow! Everything they do is based on worshiping the serpent who deceived from the beginning. Unfortunately the group also seems to be committing unspeakably horrible acts of ritual child abuse through their Mk ultra/monarch programming. EDIT 2: So I have been corrected on a detail of my comment. Remember the feeling you got when the second plane hit the twin towers and you realized what was going on? Anyway, these are just suspicions. Jesus was Jewish, but as insane as this sounds, I think he would have agreed with the likes of Hitler. Ive been on this sub since roughly 2014 - Ive seen this particular post come up for at least the last 3-4 years, every 4-6 months or so. Someone else said it's shaped like a snake head because of acoustics, even though there's no other building needing good acoustics shaped like that. Audience Hall is in the shape of a snake head. We will continue the explanation of the Letter of Saint Paul to the Galatians. Ikr I love this thread it's just like old /r/conspiracy, So we're just going to ignore Americo Vespucci huh, My favorite primary school realization was that half the world could have been called North and South Vespucci. What do they gain? Wake up, this is the kingdom they wanted. I went to Catholic mass once and was absolutely shocked. The name itself is evocative of mystery, and many theories have naturally arisen about what might be held among the 53 miles of shelves and 12 centuries' worth of documents only available to a select few. The serpent, the Pontiff clarified, is a "symbol of sin, the serpent that kills. Imo that doesn't make any sense but there must be a reason for it, Yeah not many things seem to make sense in this clownworld we live in. Vatican City, in full State of the Vatican City, Italian Stato della Citt del Vaticano, ecclesiastical state, seat of the Roman Catholic Church, and an enclave in Rome, situated on the west bank of the Tiber River. Jesus and his merry men were just regular people eating mushrooms. That's a very, very, wide angled lens. The following presentation by David Icke goes much deeper into this viewpoint. Imagine that. Thanks to this symbolism they keep getting reminded of who they are. They gain everything. Christianity has mixed the serpent, Satan, and Lucifer/"Morning Star" and made it all incomprehensible. In the Bible, the snake symbolizes both wisdom, as in the Adam and Eve tale, but more commonly it represents the presence of evil. In essence, the Pope speaks to his audience from the head of a snake. It is interesting if you use the scripture saying Jesus was the Fisher of men. You can't claim you didn't know if it's right in front of you. Dont look towards the priests. Twitter just banned thousands of Qanon accounts and have assured us that they will blacklist and shadowban anything related to this dangerous hate group. Thats not a Jesus statue I believe. Also the building is a sneakhead and in the back you will find Jesus who rises from the dead. Sometimes you have to walk through the darkness to see the light. The Pope is the mouthpiece of the anti Christ. To be a hyper conservative church that still does Latin Rite and remain in communion takes a special papal dispensation, and the church is very sparing in how many of those theyll give out, as the post Vatican 2 church is very concerned with keeping the mass in a common tongue and consistent across all languages. From the other direction, the dragon rising out of the "sea". The snake always has and always will represent deception. Kleenex and xerox never lost theirs. If you look up The Resurrection statue, you should get a clearer view. I did some more digging on the 21 gun salute. Anyway - you're right, it's just this picture, that place is holy and certainly doesn't look like an evil snake. Design like this does not happen per chance, and the world's capital of great architecture, Rome, it is ludicrous to think that a famous architect could design a building that just accidentally looks like a giant snake's head, even though the Vatican denies the resemblance. I realize this might sound strange, fine. Bill Binney was asked about Seth Rich in the AMA. This is why hospitals are refusing to allow seriously ill patients to try Ivermectin. Someone should alert the media! Those two walls are parallel to each other and the building is a rectangle. A few years ago they actually rejiggered some of the responses because the English was felt to have strayed too far from those used in other language churches, switched and also with you to and with your spirit and such. Which is 6655.34inches. The cabal is rapidly losing its preferred state of invisibility. The word homosexual wasn't added till like the 50's or 60's. The enigmatic statuettes were discovered at the archaeological site of Al-Ubaid. Was just ranting about this to my wife yesterday. We're looking outside in at a world we can't even hope to understand. Gerald M.C. If you view the room with fish eyes (fish eyes lens), you see that the hall looks like a snake. More than 100 firefighters battled a massive fire at a commercial egg farm in Bozrah, Connecticut, on Saturday afternoon. Its stupid and will be a political nightmare if it comes out. In an update to the story, Hersh gave an interview with Radio War Nerd in which he slammed the mainstream media for criticizing him personally rather than investigating the story. If not, you must have searched long and hard to find a Latin Rite church. These trying times are tearing apart old alliances, even long-held friendships. Psychedelics are a big part of the answer, always have been. Gullible Laodicean Christians Watching Series The Chosen Are Being Led To Mother Rome And Praying To Mary By Catholic Actor Jonathan Roumie, You Know Were Close When Fake News CNN Publishes Article Designed To Belittle And Destroy Your Faith In The Pretribulation Rapture Of The Church, Main Stream Media And DOJ Firing All Their Rockets To Bring Down Donald Trump While Refusing To Investigate Hunter Biden Laptop Criminal Content, As Trump Demands That He Be Re-Installed As President Due To Election Fraud, Fears Of A Dematerializing Red Wave Are Growing By The Day, Jeff Zucker, Head Of The Least-Trusted Name In News, Steps Down In Yet Another Massive Scandal To Rock Fake News CNN Over Past Few Months, MAD MAX: Crazy Auntie Maxine Waters Calls For Her Crazed Followers To Defy The Supreme Court And Riot In The Streets Until They Get Their Way, NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Police Form A Barrier Around Supreme Court As Justices Overturn Roe V. Wade Ending 50 Years Of Federal Abortion, Radical Pro-Abortion Group Janes Revenge Planning To Launch Acts Of Domestic Terrorism With The Full Approval Of Democrat Controlled Congress, Joe Biden And Jen Psaki Absolutely Support The Illegal Pro-Abortion Protests Happening Now Out In Front Of Residences Of Supreme Court Justices, Jared Kushner Says That The Two-State Solution Has Failed, Says His Deal Is A New And Different Way To Reach Peace, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Posts Shock Video Implying United States May Also Support The Building Of A Third Jewish Temple In Israel, President Trumps Recognition Of Jerusalem Sparks New Talks On The Building Of The Third Jewish Temple, What The Bible Has To Say About The Coming Third Jewish Temple In Israel Will Shock You To Your Core, After Selling Off His BioNTech Stock For A Cool $500 Million Profit, Bill Gates Suddenly Starts Talking About All The Problems With The Current Vaccines, Hmm, Bioterrorist Bill Gates Tells Australia The Next Pandemic Will Be Man Made, Praises Nations Like China Who Forced Draconian COVID Lockdowns, NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Bill Gates And His End Times Dystopian Goalkeepers 2030 Agenda To Control The Food Supply Should Terrify You, A Sad Bill Gates Laments That More Of His Dystopian Agenda Was Not Carried Out During The Pandemic, Commits $20 Billion To Completing The Mission, Super Sponsor Of The Democratic Party George Soros Gives $125 Million To Help Sway The 2022 Midterm Elections In Favor Of Democrats, MINISTRY OF TRUTH: The Aspen Institute Commission On Information Disorder Funded By George Soros And Bill Gates Aims To Control All Media Dialogue, End Times Villains George Soros And Bill Gates Form Global Access Health Partnership To Buy Mologic, A COVID Rapid Test Kit Company In The UK, Radical Leftists From George Soros Funded Sunrise Movement Storm White House Blocking All 10 Entrances As Media Remains Silent About Siege. 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