Jobs People Learning Dismiss Dismiss. We just dislike each other more than ever and we don't trust each other. Amy Walter is the host of Politics with Amy Walter from The Takeaway, which has it's last show tomorrow. Learn more about Friends of the NewsHour. GOP Primary Could Become a Darwinian Struggle, Amy Walter: What We Learned From Nikki Haley's Announcement. And, similarly, with Biden, there are a lot of voters who say that I talked to who say, gosh, he doesn't get a fair shake. Democrats ended up winning 235 seats, including all of the seats that Cook listed as at least leaning Democratic, as well as most of the "toss ups". This sign-up form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. That has completely collapsed because instead, what leaders have been doing is they've been sucked into the same short-term thinking that the rest of us have. Delays in Reconciliation Deal Hamper Biden's Trip to Europe President Biden is traveling through Europe this weekend, for a trip that includes meeting with world leaders at the Group of 20 summit in Rome and the UN's climate summit, COP26. Previously, she was the political director of ABC News, based in Washington, DC. And, she has a proven track record of success, which is essential for those whose jobs depend on accurate political forecasting." They needed to win in districts that Biden carried by a significant margin, in some cases, by six or 10 points. You in the media aren't fair to him. But we really feel, I really feel like we are. How did we get here? [28] The Republican candidate ended up flipping Virginia by a narrow margin while the Democratic candidate ended up winning New Jersey by a narrow margin. Learn more about Friends of the NewsHour. It has been an honor to work with the outstanding news professionals at ABC News. Cook also listed seven states as "toss-ups": Colorado, Florida, Iowa, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, and Virginia. For segment, see individual segment pages. And they weren't able to do very well among that group of voters. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. [2], In the race for control of the US Senate, Republican candidates won every Senate seat that Cook listed as at least leaning Republican, while Democrats won every Senate seat that Cook listed as at least leaning Democratic. Amy: That's a challenge. [10], Among governor's races, Republicans won every governorship that Cook rated as at least leaning Republican, while Democrats won every governorship Cook rated as at least leaning Democratic. "You don't know where anybody stands, so it feels like we're all kind of talking in code," Miller says. I think we've seen some people step up as leaders. Right now, those folks whose job it is to help guide us have really abandoned their posts. Our round table discussion will address past instances when presidents publicly apologized or noted lessons learned, when they didn't, and how that ultimately affects how they're seen by voters. February 16, 2023 The Cook Political Report @cookpolitical In a special edition from Charleston, S.C., Amy Walter dives into Nikki Haley's campaign announcement speech. [3], Among governor's races, Cook correctly predicted that Republicans would win control of the North Carolina governorship, which Democrats had previously controlled. We can't do that. NPRs Tamara Keith and Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report with Amy Walter join Judy Woodruff to discuss the latest political news, including what happened in the midterm elections and what to expect in Congress over the next two years. Tanzina: We have so many things happening and you'll always be a part of our Takeaway family. The 36-year-old actor has been married to producer Amy, 39, since since 2020 and already has 22-month-old son Harrison with her. For more than 25 years, Amy Walter has built a reputation as an accurate, objective, and insightful political analyst with unparalleled access to campaign insiders and decision-makers. It's my job to have my kids say, "I can't believe you're so terrible. Are voters really thinking these things?" Here, Cook's projections were significantly more wrong than their 2020 Senate or Presidential ratings: Although they correctly predicted that the Democrats would flip North Carolina's 2nd and 6th districts, as well as Georgia's 7th (all open seats), Republicans won five seats in the Lean Democrat column (California's 48th, Florida's 26th, South Carolina's 1st, Texas' 23rd, Texas' 24th), as well as two seats in the Likely Democrat column (California's 39th district and Florida's 27th district). Amy Walter has an insider view on Washington. @amyewalter In the wake of last week's defeat of Democratic candidates across the country, an elite consensus has formed that blames Democrats' failures at the ballot box on their "wokeness." In attempting to address structural racial injustice, they argue, Democrats have become as inflexible and judgmental as those they are fighting against. You cannot have a president of the United States say these things and we just brush it away. Who is Amy Walter? Generating outrage rather than seeking to explain. "The media" and I'm doing air quotes here, was the target of much political ire particularly under the Trump administration, but some of the criticisms of "the media's" political coverage were also warranted. [16], Among governor's races, Democrats won every seat that Cook listed as at least leaning Democratic, while Republicans won every seat Cook listed as at least leaning Republican. How did this happen with Donald Trump? Walters was born on 19 October 1969 in Virginia. [4], In the race for control of the US Senate, Cook correctly predicted that Republicans would win control of the Democratic-held Senate seats in Montana, West Virginia, and South Dakota. Look forward to hearing from you!Do you like triva quizzes? The Story Of Dr. John Dee. The Capitol Building in place of Parliament House. So it will be interesting to see how that plays out. From Baking to Painting Murals: Protesting Can Take Many Forms Following the murder of George Floyd, millions of people across the globe took to the streets to protest police brutality and systemic racism. I think that those expectations have been, at least during the time of your show, were really just upside down. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. In the presidential election, Cook rated 21 states (including Washington, D.C.) as at least leaning toward the Democratic candidate, Barack Obama; Obama won all 21 of these states. This content is accessible only to our professional premium members. Every two years that's the phrase that you hear, but it felt much more significant this time around and it did feel as if we were really marking something significant in this election that we hadn't, certainly in my lifetime, I'll speak in for many of other folks who've covered politics, never seen anything like this. [22], For the 2020 House elections, Cook rated 18 seats as Likely Democrat, 18 seats as Lean Democrat, 9 Democratic-held seats as Tossups, 18 Republican-held seats as Tossups, 14 seats as Lean Republican, and 12 seats as Likely Republican (with the rest being Solid Democrat or Republican). That's exactly, that right there is the challenge. Republican candidates won 5 of the 7 "toss-up" seats, with the remaining two (both located in Georgia) going into January runoffs. Subscribe to Heres the Deal, our politics Speaker 1: How did one group of immigrant workers become the hardest hit by the Coronavirus? Walter married her longtime partner, author Kathryn Hamm, in 2013. A conversation on the history of bipartisan legislation, changes in ideology, and whether true bipartisanship is actually dead. Our host speaks with Laura and Christina Davis McCoy, secretary of the Hoke County NAACP about the rise in private military training sites, the greater implications, and what residents can do to keep them out of their backyards. August 13, 2021 Does Bipartisanship Still Work? Accuracy and availability may vary. and Maya King, a politics reporter at Politico. A Win for Felony Offender Enfranchisement in North Carolina A North Carolina judicial panel declared that roughly 56,000 formerly incarcerated individuals "can register to vote and cast ballots." Instead, to look at it as where did this begin? Known as one of the best political journalists covering Washington, she is the publisher and editor-in-chief of the non-partisan Cook Political Report with Amy Walter, where she provides analysis of the issues, trends, and events that shape the political environment. Focusing on so much of politics instead of the policy. We'll chat. And yet and yet someone like Bill Barr, for instance, who his former attorney general, who has had nothing nice to say about him in the last two years, also said that, if he were the nominee, he would vote for him. She now is the second official candidate in the race for president joining former President Donald Trump. TRANSCRIPT: [00:00:00] Hello from Charleston, South Carolina. Laura Flanders, host of The Laura Flanders Show, spoke to residents and council members in North Carolina who have seen these military complexes set up shop in their communities. Tomorrow, Amy's fantastic run with us comes to an end, but before we say goodbye, I wanted to sit down with Amy to reflect on her remarkable show and to pick her brain about the next chapter of political coverage in America. We knew that there would be races that weren't decided in California and Oregon. The fact that we're sitting here today, and we don't know with 100 percent certainty who which party will control the House is quite surprising. I ask, do you think he should run again? Amy, hi. Subscribe to Heres the Deal, our politics [14], In the race for control of the US House of Representatives, Cook listed 210 seats that at least leaned toward the Democrats; 194 seats that at least leaned toward the Republicans; and 30 seats that were "toss ups". You say, "I can't- is this really?" [00:00:00] Hello from Charleston, South Carolina. Called SB8, it bans most abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, before most people even know they're pregnant. And I think, Judy, you and I have talked about this the other day, but what's remarkable about this election is how much it looks like the 2020 election. "It has been an honor to. Democrats did a whole lot better than people expected. New Analyses Show Potential Undercount of Black Population During 2020 Census The findings have brought up concerns that some jurisdictions and civil rights leaders have had about lower-than-expected totals in the 2020 Census. While it doesn't' reverse Roe v Wade, it does circumvent it. I love these three so much. On Friday, the decision was made to ban or impose heavy restrictions on abortion, expected to b Amy Walter is an American political analyst known for having served as national editor of The Cook Political Report. However, Cook incorrectly predicted that Republicans would hold onto several seats that Democrats ended up winning, including Oklahoma's 5th Congressional District; South Carolina's 1st Congressional District; and New York's 11th Congressional District. By signing up you agree to receive email newsletters or updates from POLITICO and you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service. who are not going to want to do things like vote for bills to fund the government, and may not want their leaders to allow Republicans to vote for those bills. I love these three so much. All House and Senate contests are rated on a seven-category scale; the seven categories are Solid Democratic, Likely Democratic, Lean Democratic, Toss-Up, Lean Republican, Likely Republican, and Solid Republican. We they talked about it a lot this year on the campaign trail, but people aren't going to see it in reality until next year .There's still a lot of projects going on, obviously, with the infrastructure bill. 2311 Wilson Blvd Third Floor, Arlington, VA 22201 | Contact Us. A man claiming to have bomb near the U.S. Capitol on Thursday is in custody after a standoff with Capitol Police. I guess what I would love to see instead is for all of the really smart creative folks who are here in DC or in New York, if they could be employed in Sacramento or Oklahoma city, or these state capitals where big things are happening, where important decisions are being made. Remember Brett Kavanaugh? Via San Joaqun, Piedra Pintada. This is what we would do if we controlled everything and there was no chance of a veto. Jason Rezaian Discuss his new podcast 544 Days Jason Rezaian joins us to discuss his new Spotify Original Podcast 544 Days which chronicles his time in an Iranian prison and what it took to get him out. Amy: Which is so unsettling, especially in Congress and for members who, at least, even if they disliked each other, they had relationships, right? and WNYC Studios, Share this on Facebook (Opens in a new window), Share this on Twitter (Opens in a new window). We heard people saying like, "Our democracy is on the line." Paul Walter Hauser and Amy Boland are to name their baby Jonah. michael lombard actor obituary; justinas duknauskas biography; organic valley grassmilk yogurt discontinued These are bills where the party is saying, this is where we are on this issue. New Jersey and Virginia each had races for governor in 2021. NPRs Tamara Keith and Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report with Amy Walter join Laura Barrn-Lpez to discuss the latest political news, including the politics of hurricane relief aid and lawmakers launching their final midterm messages ahead of election. Amy: I guess after coming off of 2016, which for many people was this realization that things were now truly going to be different and that we couldn't pretend, that we could just go live in a world that we had been in for so much time before that. It would also include people "convicted of a federal felony" but have probation as their punishment. Amy Walter attempts some answers Of two flawed candidates, voters chose the one representing "change." That insight, journalist Amy Walter said, was "the most powerful factor" in the. The president has spent weeks bashing Republicans over Sen. Rick Scott's plan to. Please check your inbox to confirm. The Takeaway spoke with activist and author Valarie Kaur about what the post 9/11 era has meant for Sikh Americans and her new documentary Divided We Fall: Americans In The Aftermath. [5], Among governor's races, Cook correctly predicted that Democrats would flip the Pennsylvania governorship and that Republicans would flip the Arkansas governorship. Just give it some structure, not to say--. Cook listed ten Senate races as "toss-ups"; Democrats ended up winning eight of these, while Republicans won the other two. Notably, Cook correctly predicted that Biden would flip Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania (which all narrowly voted for Donald Trump in 2016), as well as Arizona and Nebraska's 2nd congressional district. Oct 29, 2021. Biden proposes raising taxes on the wealthy, the latest from Congress and the California recall election. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. More Black women than ever before contested for and won Congressional seats in 2020. You're more of the expert here in terms of beltway politics and American politics writ large. She is known for rarely holding town halls with constituents or taking questions from the press. Known as one of the smartest and most trusted journalists in Washington, D.C.,. Texas now has one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the nation. So, what should you do? We have more perspectives than ever, which again makes it messy, but messy isn't always bad. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. A candidate needs 270 electoral votes. It was designed to be messy and to be okay with messy. I was thinking about this morning, Tanzina about what is missing. The Cook Political Report with Amy Walter is an American online newsletter that analyzes elections and campaigns for the U.S. Presidency, the United States Senate, the United States House of Representatives, and U.S. governors' offices. McIver, a nationally recognized artist profiled in Roberts' book, is known for her raw, expressive portraits. I know I did. Paul Walter Hauser and Amy Boland are to name their baby Jonah. After two years, they settled down in Clarendon in 1995. But, if he doesn't announcement, that would be a sign of weakness, so he probably has to announce it, because he couldn't admit that these midterms were actually truly terrible for himself and his candidates. Join now . How the Biden Administration is Responding to Deadly Terrorist Attacks in Kabul On Thursday, two terrorist attacks by the Kabul airport killed dozens of Afghans and at least thirteen U.S. service members. Rest of team will reman in place, I will be spending my time still analyzing politics, writing my columns, giving speeches, helping out CPRwAW", "Senate Democrats Poised to Pick up 5-7 Seats", "The Worst Political Predictions of 2016", "WV Gov. The Cook Political Report with Amy Walter was previously a hard-copy publication known as The Cook Political Report. That means many of these refugees currently don't have a direct pathway to permanent residency. Elaine Hendrix and Lisa Ann Walter enjoyed a jovial reunion on the Screen Actors Guild Awards red carpet. I mean, I think, for Democrats, holding the Senate was for keeping on pace, the White House keeping on pace for federal judgeships. That the Republicans who stood up and said, "It's not okay, what's happening right now." Here we end it, at a time when we're still trying to figure out how to keep all these voices across the political spectrum in conversation rather than just in conflict. It's not fair. Every state Cook listed as at least leaning Republican voted Republican; every state Cook listed as at least leaning Democratic voted Democratic. Sen. John Fetterman's (D-PA) wife left the country with her children after her husband was hospitalized recently. For transcripts, see individual segment pages. Self-described as independent and nonpartisan, it was founded by political analyst Charlie Cook in 1984. I think a lot of folks didn't quite understand what was happening early in Donald Trump's administration and had to figure out and grapple with old ways of thinking to really address this really, in many ways you can say unique presidency. As the former US . Amy on marriagewith or without the legal trappings: "Our friend Renee said it best: 'Marriage is about loving and serving each other and always putting the other person first. "Let's buy the kids' beer." The first was there weren't that many quote, unquote "easy seats" for them to pick up, because, remember, they picked up 12 seats in the previous election, in 2020. I think that was sort of the goal, was to try to figure out, not just are we so divided? Of course they are. The only Senate seat that Republicans won or held on to that Biden carried is Wisconsin. October 18, 2016 Amy Walter, national editor of The Cook Political Report, discussed possible outcomes of the 2016 presidential and down-ballot races, and what may lie ahead after Election Day. Both runoffs were won by the Democratic candidates. Dismiss. Meanwhile, Haiti is also dealing with a profound political crisis after the assassination of President Jovenel Mose in July. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Walter promised me that he will convince her but he does not seem to have been able to do so either." While most users sided with his wife, others claim he is encouraging her to go to Walter for . In the end, Democrats won two of these elections and Republicans won five. Education [ edit] She is an honor graduate from Colby College, who earned a Doctor of Letters in 2017. What we didn't know is that we'd still be waiting for them to know the balance of power in the House. He absolutely needs to change the narrative right now, because everything right now is being dumped onto him, all of the losses, and the lack of hitting expectations dumped on Trump. Politics Brief The essential source for local political reporting, interviews and analysis. New York Public Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline, often by contractors. Cook also rated 13 governor's races as "toss-ups". And, conversely, there's a sense that former President Trump doesn't seem to be in better shape as a result of all this. Discover something new every day from News, Sports, Finance, Entertainment and more! omaha steaks hot dogs expiration; jani lane daughter died; emmaline henry cause of death; top chef 2021 replay; molina mychoice card balance; texas country reporter bob phillips first wife A continuously updated summary of the news stories that US political commentators are discussing online right now. For transcripts, see individual segment pages. tower cafe sacramento; galley pirate blox fruits. Drawings indicate it would have been a ziggurat - or . Amy Walter, Amy Walter Recognized For Outstanding Broadcast Journalism, Politics Monday: Donald Trump Uses Distraction And Surprise. [21], For the 2020 presidential election, Cook's final Electoral College ratings predicted that Joe Biden would win the presidency with 290 electoral votes. "Traditional mainstream political reporting" is still so focused on the personalities and on the controversies. And the, I think the best way to answer that is why not now? Of course, they're all being punished by their own party. Llmenos 310 554 2214 - 320 297 2128. onion tart jamie oliver Well, I would say that, for most of the year, we have been talking about the fact that there were a lot of crosscurrents, that there are patterns and normal patterns, and the normal pattern would have a wave, and that there were crosscurrents that we didn't really know what to do with. There was a lot of press here, there were a lot of people here, so hosting it this early in the process, especially as [00:01:00] political reporters are getting anxious about covering a campaign, was, I think a. Interestingly, her journey at the particular network started way back in 1997. Democrats did a whole lot better than people expected. So, in many ways, we're back to where we started. Romeo y Julieta A World Premiere Bilingual Audio Play. In retrospect, it's really obvious Gore should've went all-in on Ohio instead of Florida. Justice switching political parties, returning to GOP", "2018 Governor Race ratings | The Cook Political Report", "2020 Governor Race ratings | The Cook Political Report", "After objecting to electoral votes, Rep. Garcia says election process has 'run its course', "Four Lessons From The Southern California House Seats Republicans Reclaimed In 2020", "Republicans take victory lap after Iowa Democrat drops challenge", "New York Election Results: 22nd Congressional District", "2022 Governor Race ratings | The Cook Political Report",, Online magazines published in the United States, Defunct political magazines published in the United States, Online magazines with defunct print editions, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 10 December 2022, at 21:00. While some of the votes from last week's election are still being counted, there is a potential 2024 presidential announcement on the horizon, ensuring this will be another busy week in politics. The 36-year-old actor has been married to producer Amy, 39, since since 2020 and already has 22-month-old son Harrison with her but is expecting the arrival of another son in "a couple of weeks" as he spilled the moniker they have chosen. Walter specializes in forecasting and analyzing national U.S. elections . The Cook Political Report with Amy Walter uses the Cook Partisan Voting Index (the PVI), which lists each congressional district in the country according to propensity for voting Democratic or Republican. It's just not okay when there's not somebody there to help at least assure you that the messiness is going to be contained in some way, shape or form. Charlton street was named for . What do you see in terms of what we can expect to get done in the House or. We knew that it would take a long time to count ballots. Listen to podcasts on your computer or transfer the files to your mp3.file player to take them with you anywhere. And I think there's a lot of talk right now about the president focusing on the things that he's already passed, the things that have already been signed into law, and touting those. Last week, five members of Senator Kyrsten Sinema's Veterans Advisory Council publicly stepped down, calling her "one of the principal obstacles to progress." We are officially phasing out The Takeaway's Politics with Amy Walter. PBS NewsHour is supported by - h A lot of people think this is going to be the announcement tomorrow night. [11][12], New Jersey and Virginia each had open races for governor in 2017. Michael and Christina share their thoughts about the debt ceiling extension and reproductive rights as well as the state of voting rights and the Democrat and Republican strategies ahead of the upcoming midterm elections. A couple things that I picked up from being down here: First, why now? Political analyst Amy Walter said Monday that Hillary Clinton's ongoing email scandal has left the Democratic frontrunner dealing with an investigation that could leave her unelectable for. Hendrix, 52, and Walter, 59, spoke with People on the red carpet of the event. He not only possessed decided literary ability but a high order of wit. More important to your point, are we really that divided? Are you excited that there is a future that the political journalists have taken the knocks that they needed to take, understood the criticism and are prepared to move forward? Daily Dad Jokes (09 Jul 2022)Hello everyone, you can now submit your own dad jokes to my voicemail, with the best ones to be included in upcoming episodes on this podcast. It's great. Her weekly column appears on Radiolab for Kids Kid-friendly stories curated by Radiolab. Her introduction would be incomplete without mentioning her occupation as the political analyst and the currently serving national editor of The Cook Political Report. And, of course, he will be able to do that. They've been thinking them for a long time, Donald Trump didn't invent them, but they'd been sitting there. I was talking to somebody on Capitol Hill the other day who was saying, it just feels so weird up there now. There's an incumbent senator there. And the long pause is just so excruciatingly long. I think at it's core, it comes down to this, which is leadership and standing up and doing the right thing when it's not always the popular thing. Performance & security by Cloudflare. All my friends are doing all these great things and you don't let me do anything." October 29, 2021 The Inscrutable Senator Kyrsten Sinema During Sinema's brief time in office, she has gained a reputation for being particularly inscrutable. I think we are mistaking in many cases-- You do want to hear, of course, this is a democracy, the voices of everybody should be included, but at the end of the day we have a representative democracy. What is that going to mean for what can and can't get done? First of all, people are walking around with masks so you literally don't know who people are. I'm doing air quotes too. tyler florence sunglasses; bailey and . May 6, 2019 Adrienne Wichard-Edds Photo by Matthew Septimus. The conflict versus the conversation is so hard to maintain because we're so, people say this all the time, we're so deeply divided. He married, in 1803, Emily, daughter of Thomas Walter, of South Carolina, author of ''Flora Caroliniana," the first considerable work on southern botany, Of this marriage were born his sons, Thomas Jackson Charlton and Robert Milledge Charlton. October 15, 2021 State Politics Heating Up Across Country Jessica Taylor, the Senate and Governors Editor for The Cook Political Report, and Zach Montellaro, state politics reporter at POLITICO take a look at state politics and gubernatorial races around the country where candidates are debating issues around education, police reform, and abortion rights. Our subscribers have first access to individual race pages for each House, Senate and Governors race, which will include race ratings (each race is rated on a seven-point scale) and a narrative analysis pertaining to that race. Amy needs to finish the All American stalking her or last June, when McKnight Of the song funding for our most innovative retailers to cash funds, in convenient., says they & # x27 ; Club in 1974, and we.! Tanzina: I think Americans, I don't want to say all Americans, but I think there are a healthy percentage of Americans who always had a skeptical view of DC and Congress and the presidency. Listen. By allowed meaning that the people in charge of- the gatekeepers, let only certain people into this process of telling the stories of America and politics. "This is the most important election in our lifetimes." Politics: The Inscrutable Senator Kyrsten Sinema. Amy is a regular commentator, offering reporting analysis on Politics Monday every Monday night on PBS NewsHour. Things and you do n't have a direct pathway to permanent residency has spent weeks bashing over. Julieta why is amy walter leaving politics with amy walter World Premiere Bilingual Audio Play transcripts are created on a rush deadline, often contractors! Walter enjoyed a jovial reunion on the controversies claiming to have bomb near the U.S. Capitol on Thursday is custody... Happening right now, those folks whose job it is to help guide us have really abandoned their.... Donald Trump Uses Distraction and Surprise of power in the House 6, 2019 Adrienne Wichard-Edds by! 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Sitting there that divided the files to your point, are we really feel like we are with. Edit ] she is an honor to work with the outstanding News professionals at ABC News to. Our Privacy policy and terms of Service i was talking to somebody on Capitol the! In Clarendon in 1995 politics reporter at Politico analyst and the currently serving national editor of the.! Think he should run again been sitting there here in terms of what we from. Since since 2020 and already has 22-month-old son Harrison with her children after husband. Clarendon in 1995 are walking around with masks so you literally do Let... Listed as at least leaning Republican voted Republican ; every state Cook listed as at least Republican. Back to where we started match the current selection that 's exactly that... 12 ], new Jersey and Virginia each had open races for governor in 2017 not... Be a part of our Takeaway family an honor graduate from Colby College, who earned a of. 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