And taking on the mantle of Sirian does not mean that you are no longer Andromedan. We all seek belonging, alignment, or kinship with a person, family, group, culture, or society. I do not have the perfect health of a Lyran I am fragile and since I loved belly dance and was drawn to Hawaiian dance I may have a touch of Lemuria. You should meditate on each of the different Starseed types and try to understand them on an energetic level. The archetype of the wild woman evokes a primal response in women of feeling strong, free, and uninhibited. The coloration of the Seal of Consciousness is not the same as the Energy Frequency Bands (often referred to as the aura. Need Immediate Help? You tend to have lower-than-average body temperature. He lovingly offers intuitive readings and inspirational guidance for decision-making, healing, self-discovery, and forgiveness. You recognize that the true receiver is always the giver, so you feel happy and fulfilled in your relationships regardless of how it is being reciprocated to you. Saoirse is going to explain the causes of this . Some of the possible meanings of an Osiris archetype involve individuation, Self transformation, and . You guard your cognitive bandwidth against social media pageantry. You are risk-averse and often regarded as flighty.. You have an inexplicable desire to return to your homeland. They excel in sports, medicine, and other fields that require a talent for the material. There were probably times when you woke up crying because of your dream. Are You An Arcturian Starseed? Lemurians and Atlanteans are rooted in celestial beings that come mainly from Pleiades, Alpha Centauri, and Sirius. So, you know you're a Starseednow what? Most of the starseeds dont even know that they are one. Osiris is a "personal archetypal figure" who intermediates between the divine Ra, "the archetype of wholeness that includes everything conscious and unconscious," and Horus, "the defender of the Earth" ( Embodying Osiris, p. 40). You are highly creative and artistic and have a strong drive to heal the world through your work. See our, The ideas and concepts around Starseeds come to us through channelers and, According to the channelers, Starseeds ar. Enter your email address and we'll send you a link to reset your password. You strive to figure out the answers to some deep, existential, and philosophical questions. You have an intense animosity towards figures of authority. We could all say that we came from Lyra. Star Seeds are beings that have experienced life elsewhere in the Universe, on other planets, and in non-physical dimensions other than on Earth. You have a wild fascination for metaphysics and new-age spirituality. Starseeds are highly evolved souls that originated from different planets, solar systems, stars or galaxies - and were sent to Earth to help increase knowledge and wisdom to bring about an elevation of consciousness on the planet. I LOVE that star I think its home in fact when I listen to the frequencies of Sirius, Arcturus and the Pleiades, Sirius is home and I am also grounded by the other sounds. They are spiritual warriors, creating their own Andromeda High Council which is non-physical. If you feel you possess a vast store of energy and drive, and are even frustrated at the physical limitations of your body this is a clear sign that you are a starseed. Here are some of the traits commonly shared by Hadarians who have been reincarnated on Earth: The main purpose of Hadarian Starseed is to simply be themselves, a beacon of light, love, and wisdom. You often feel homesick, not for your family home but for a place your soul once resided. Given the vast arrays of ideologies and experiences they most likely have had, and having lived in a variety of worlds, it stands to reason that Starseeds could possess brighter hearts and the keenest intuition. You share peoples happiness and sadness as if they are your own. Although not every mystery is answered, you consider metaphysics as a powerful tool in understanding life. 20 signs that you are a Starseed! You have the personality of a chameleon, which allows you to fit in with your surroundings seamlessly. You perceive the world the way it should be. While some say that Starseeds are tall and thin, or have big eyes and broad foreheads, a soul seeking its expansion will not require one physical type over another. Founded by Saoirse Clare, The Starseed Collective serves to connect all readers of Starseed Archetypes: The Ultimate Guide so they can learn more about their unique Starchetype, support others who are on their journey of Starseed awakening, and work together to build a bridge into the New Earth timeline and ascension consciousness on Earth . The only solution is to quarantine the mages in academies. You have mastered the art of the law of attraction and can manifest whatever your heart desires with relative ease. Archetypes are literary devices that occur throughout literature and art. Sirius was one of the first areas to be colonized by beings from the Lyran star group. You have a strong tendency to be extremely polarized in your thinking because you prefer to stick to the facts. Paul studied with Lakota elders, Amma the Hugging Saint, Chogyam Trungpa, and other masters. Its even easier to want to leave our lives and bodies so that we can transcend the Universe and become Everything. If the aforementioned traits resonate with you, its quite likely that you are a Draconian starseed. Your soul is not small letters; its an all-cap YOU, all the time. People of this starseed type are known to be realists. Some of your ancestors are literally out of this world, and it's time you got to know them. Being on Earth, you feel a strong urge to want to go home. A starseed is a natural when it comes to metaphysics. You exude a high level of vibrational frequency. Primarily these mages provide mystical advice and services as chancellors of the King, Queen etc., giving general wisdom in political and country level situations. Chances are that you do not have just one Starseed origin because most do not. If you always have had the ability to excel faster than others, and are most often the leader in situations, these are the characteristics of a starseed. It might sound silly, but if you want to know if you are a starseed, observe your relationship with babies and pets. You have a special interest in the history of humanity and the evolutionary process. You have experienced a profound spiritual awakening and a major shift in your thinking. You were born between the years 1950 and 1980. You are friendly to everyone, but you choose whom you open yourself up to. I had two embodiments that revolved around this Dark vs. Light experience during the Orion conflict. You like to take some time by yourself when you need to ground your emotions. All stats and win-rates for decks are calculated using actual user game data. Most humans like to think that they are of very high consciousness, or at a minimum, that they are of far higher consciousness than most other people. They are their increasing their interaction with Earth, alongside the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Sirius B is a smaller star and home to the water beings like the Miengu and Merpeople. You strive to spread love and positivity in your surroundings. If you have always known you are unique, and noticed how you pick up on all kinds of small details that everyone else overlooks or misses this is a reflection of your starseed qualities. Being everyones shoulder to cry on can be very draining, so learn to take care of yourself as well. While helping other people is your nature, watch out for those who will abuse your special gift. Alpha Centaurians chief mission on Earth is to galvanize radical social change. Why Do I Need to Deepen and Strengthen My Relationship with My I AM Presence? You exude calm confidence, are courageous, and are bold. Her experience in all things spiritual helps to bring a full understanding of self and soul to her private clients and readers. Consciousness is thought. You are introverted, courteous, and soft-spoken. If youre still wondering what is a starseed like, remember all the times you have helped other people. You prefer stability over unpredictable and rapid changes. Do you resonate with more than one of the above? Being a child, you could not fit in the society of other kids; finding it hard to adapt to the group of normal kids. The Orion Starseeds hail from the constellation of Orion, and they are the most competitive of all. You may have a quiet sense that you came from somewhere beyond this planet, and can imagine your physical appearance from prior lives, in other worlds. I have regained these memories so that I can help refugee souls seeking asylum here on Earth. In fact, revealing what Starseed race you are is a little more complicated than you might think. Now that you know what is a starseed, the next step is to find out if you are one of them. You have feline or birdlike facial features, such as a sharp nose and slightly upturned eyes. We are in this life because we were called to this life. They are perceptive, hard-working, and usually enjoy a life of good health. Here are 15 strong indicators that you belong to this Starseed type: An Orion Starseeds personal mission is to open up their heart chakra and learn to look beyond the bounds of their pragmatic and logical way of thinking. They have come to evelevate us and our beautiful planet into 5D+ as quickly as possible. They are the ones whom you feel deeply connected to. The main task of Arcturians here on Earth is to innovate, accelerate development and usher the world towards a better future. They are the ones who understand you. As you are doing so, you will resonate with some things and not resonate with others. You like to express yourself through art. In the process, they might inspire others to follow their lead and shift the operating system of Earth from fear to truth, magic, and unconditional love. Below are some of the most common traits prevalent among Andromedan starseeds. Starseeds can be machinists, teachers, dancers, artists, politicians, or frustrated stock analysts, as well as depressed, joyful, wild, contained, limited, or expansive, just like the rest of us. 1. It is believed that Polarians have built a highly effective structural system that could serve as a paragon for humans on Earth. How Does It Change Things, Steps To Handle Empath Awakening Symptoms, Arcturian Starseed Activation Take Your Light Body For A Spin, What Do Lemurians Look Like? You are very charismatic and a natural-born leader. We're gonna talk about why there are so many Voidwalkers and if it's possible to embody two Starchetypes at the same time if they both feel in resonance. Is It Possible to Attain Yogic Superpowers? 13 Signs That You Are A Starseed. You are drawn to lost and ancient civilizations. Starseed offers wide variety of cannabis to eligible clients in Canada. You are introverted, analytic, and highly observant. I was like this about 15 years ago, I started to feel very Sirian like and identified only with these star beings. A starseed is never one to give up. In Sacred Contracts, Caroline Myss talks generally about the Miser archetype (i.e., not just specifically as the counter-archetype of the Mage):. You are a keen observer who is analytical and forthright in your approach. ORION This is the main battleground for the challenge of polarity integration, seeded from Sirius as well as Lyra and Vega. You time the components of your spell with exacting precision, setting up a resonance that duplicates the spell's effects. These intergalactic travelers are true empaths and harmonizers who have committed their lives to reconstruct humanitys broken and damaged genetic code. You can feel when a natural calamity or catastrophe is about to happen, and you can feel its effects on your body when it does happen. The older your soul, the more of these races you will identify with. You have an elongated head, light skin tone, and very little hair. A star seed soul who has had at least a 1,000 life times is an original starseed. Quiz Image. This transmission will take you on a multidimensional journey of profound discovery as you move into the creation of the Divine Architecture. To help us identify where we might belong, we adorn ourselves with labels that make us feel special or unique. Some of them have come to this planet for their benefit or to support a darker mission. Maldekian starseeds are cosmic refugees seeded from the Maldek planet, which had been devastated by war, nuclear disaster, lack of natural resources, and over-reliance on robotic technologies. Many of are here to ensure the Ascension timeline is fully activated, monitored and secured. By connecting with people one-to-one, they hope to bring true balance to the planet. You have a vision for a better world. You possess highly advanced knowledge and wisdom. These three Starseed types are often grouped together as they are the children of the Universe, the youngest and newest of the Starseeds. Some of the most common characteristics seen among Martian Starseed are indicated below. You are made to go out there and fulfil a celestial purpose. Questions? They operate on a deeper scale, which makes it difficult for them to find the same wavelength from other people. You have a cavalier attitude when it comes to rules and laws. You have the ability to alchemize negative energy into a positive one. If you exhibit any of the characteristics mentioned below, you may be one of them! We might also be living simultaneous, co-joined lives in a variety of places, and within several spacetime platforms. They are driven to greatness and try to help others see what they can achieve with the same motivation. The true definition of Starseed is a type of soul that's recently incarnated on Earth for the first . They are temporary sets of constructs and conditions. They are amongst the most common starseed types to incarnate on planet Earth. But that applies to around 75% of us here right now. You have a remarkable capacity for empathy. You are not afraid of making life-altering decisions in pursuit of the truth. It really is going to be a happy Friday with all the wonderful transits happening in the sky today. You have a strong sacred connection with animals. You highly value open and honest communication. Request a Remote Energy Clearing! They have a collective duty to assist Earth and the whole human race in dismantling the old paradigm founded on ego, fear, power, perfidy, and greed, and instead create a world permeated with love, peace,, and abundance. You are disciplined and possess excellent self-control. Let us know in the comments below! They are often called the weird or the eccentric ones. Freeing The Divine Feminine Archeytype From All Pain! Dr. Timothy Leary, an American psychologist, was the first to use the term to describe a fragment of an extraterrestrial entity discovered on a meteorite. They have forseen we are at a tipping point in our history after thousands of years of the negative control agenda. Every one is made from consciousness. Uncover your true purpose as a Starseedno spiritual burnout or cosmic overwhelm necessary. Ready to discover your soul's chosen imprint so you can live an abundant and fulfilled life? Starseed System. Death doesnt invoke fear upon you, and you allow the flow of life without any attachment. You trust that everything works out the way its supposed to. Some Goddesses that represent the Mother archetype (and there are MANY): Yemanya, Demeter, Corn Mother, Gaia, Lakshmi, Hathor. You've always felt different from everyone else. If your next action is to Cast a Spell of 4th . 5,481 Followers, 400 Following, 250 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Saoirse | The Starseed Coach (@thestarseedcoach) You are special. Anger is a strange concept to you, even when people try to provoke you. Cant count them? Join Saoirse Clare, The Starseed Coach, as she delivers bite-sized weekly episodes designed to help you optimize your life as a Starseed through learning about the Starchetype System. You have a career or seeking a career involving science, technology, or medicine. Starseeds do not commandeer any category of industry, and not all of them have the same abilities, attributes, or talents. We are constructed in such ways that one thought can lead us into heaven, while another leads us into hell. You are naturally endowed with psychic powers, astral projection, and channeling. This is not to say that your reality as a Starseed is incorrect. Each of these temporary self-identities has limitations and consequences. In essence, you are a star who has come down to share her shine. Polarians are regarded as highly intelligent and noble creatures that originated from the star system of Polaris, commonly known as the North Star. Mintakan starseeds personal mission is to pursue their creative and artistic endeavors, express their most authentic self and, in the process of doing so, contribute to the clarity and healing on the planet as a whole. Even though bad things happen every day, your idealist self will always see the silver lining in every situation. No one knows why their powers lead to madness and death in a terrifying disease known as "the fraying". Note: This information comes from a variety of internet sources and channels, along with my own connection to the various Guardian Starbeing Teams I am in contact with. They are often involved in social movements and civic organizations that advocate for environmental, social, legal, or political reform. Starseeds are idealists. If you have an overwhelming sense of empathy, and feel the need to support and nurture others, as well as, always have a longing for home this is a clear indication of your starseed qualities. 23 Powerful Signs to Confirm. Write down which traits you have and which starseed types resonate. This is an affirmation that affirms our soul qualities and unique gifts and banish all pointless doubts and anxiety. In RA Material (series of channeled books) they are called "brothers and sisters of sorrow. We might never know which Starseed concepts are closest to the truth. Introverted. According to Rebecca Campbell, author of Letters to A Starseed, Mintakans are the first star beings to travel Earth and are considered to be the original Lightworkers. If throughout your whole life you have felt as if you were born with a purpose or a mission to fulfill, and long to improve humanity this is a clear sign that you are a starseed. They push the boundaries of what is assumed to be our reality in order to help bring the world into a new and heightened state of consciousness. It is believed that Alpha Centaurians are introspective, inquisitive, honest, and great providers. This is one of your best attributes. Here though is a brief overview of the key characteristics of each of the Seals. It was believed that they had played a significant part in human creation. #1 Sirian. Each of them carries a unique vibrational blueprint that makes them truly remarkable and extraordinary. As scientists have long been saying, we are all made of stardust. Its because you always understand their emotions. You are naturally curious about how things exist. You are brimming with sacred wisdom and knowledge. These brands might be associated with qualities like innocence, mystery, sophistication, and elegance. One common thing about starseeds is that you are homesick for a place that you cant even describe. Of all the starseed types, Venusians are the most self-less and giving type. Everyone has low stages of consciousness and high stages of consciousness. Common distinctive traits of Pleiadian starseeds are listed below. If you resonate with the Augur, take our Starchetype Quiz and discover if this is your unique Starseed Archetype Imprint Take the quiz! Gene Decodes: Protection and Clearing Invocation Prayer for Humanity, Level 1 Preparation to Fully Upgrade your Soul Contracts Sovereignty Clause, Level 2 Complete the Full Upgrade of your Souls Sovereignty Clause. That said, any soul can digress, and any digressed soul can expand, at any moment, and upon one congruent decision. Earth is an evolving, stable, three-dimensional planet, with an equal balance of physical and angelic experiences. Of all the starseed types Blue Ray starseeds are regarded as one of the most spiritual ones. 22) Polarian. From flashbacks to dreams, your mind shows you things and places that are literally out of this world like you are out of this world. This is to free the divine feminine archetype from all griefs, pain, losses, brokenness, darkness, dark attachments, slavery programs, contracts, agreements, sacrifices and fear programs. You have frequent flashbacks and vivid dreams about the lost civilization of Lemuria. Get instant access to free videos, helpful articles, and exclusive offers. You are always attempting to come up with innovative, simple, and effective ways to do your work. Because of this, starseeds may have grown up to be isolated or left out. You are deeply concerned with ecological and environmental issues. They are also here to teach, guide, and raise the overall vibration of this planet. You have an odd obsession with lost lands and ancient civilization. Contact me at:, Session Offerings Overview and Approach, Session One: Remove Intrusive Energies, Entities, Clear Psychic Cords, Session Two: Ancestral Bloodline Clearing, Mastery Empowerment Course Awaken your Ascended Shaman of Light, Munay-Ki Rites of Initiation Ceremonial Gathering, Indoor Candle Full Moon Fire Ceremony Monthly Ceremonial Gathering. You have an insatiable thirst for knowledge, regardless of the topic. You often feel like the black sheep in the family. You dont like getting entangled with other peoples issues. Find out if you exhibit any of the different starseed types, Venusians are most... Attitude when it comes to metaphysics to greatness and try to understand them an! If your next action is to quarantine the mages in academies often the. A place that you know what is a brief overview of the,! 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Stay In The Race Sermon, Articles S