[163] The exhibit features immersive dioramas and artifacts from the battle including the wreckage of Super 61, the first Black Hawk helicopter shot down during the battle, and Super 64. A map of the main battle sites during the Battle of Mogadishu. [93] For their actions, MSG Gordon and SFC Shughart were posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor, the first awarded since the Vietnam War. The battle was part of the broader Somali Civil War that had begun in 1991. Meanwhile, Task Force Ranger's "Little Birds" continued their defense of Super 61's downed crew and rescuers. S/RES/837 (1993), Bowden, Mark, Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War, Signet, 2001 - p.350, Just Security, "We Shouldn't Forget the Lessons of Black Hawk Down: Part I", Luke Hartig, 29 Aug 2017, Johnson, Dominic D. P. and Tierney, Dominic (2006), Conference on National Reconciliation in Somalia, 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, Acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, "Interviews Captain Haad | Ambush in Mogadishu | FRONTLINE", "Somalia Slips From Hope to Quagmire: In Monday's attack the peacekeepers looked more like warlords", "Battle of Mogadishu: The Mission Command Perspective", "The roots of strategic failure: The Somalia Syndrome and Al Qaeda's path to 9/11", "Curing the Somalia Syndrome: Analogy, Foreign Policy Decision Making, and the Rwandan Genocide", "A Wrong Turn In Somalia-- An Ill-Conceived Copter Raid Turned Many Somalis Against U.S. Led by Delta Captain Bill J. Coultrup, Sergeant Scott C. Fales, and Sergeant Timothy A. Wilkinson, the 15 man CSAR team were able to fast rope down to the Super 61 crash site. September 15, 2020. [27][28] According to an estimate made in November 1994 by the Washington-based Refugee Policy Group NGO, approximately 100,000 lives were saved as a result of international assistance, 10,000 of which had been saved following the deployment of U.S. troops in December 1992. Faris, who went on to serve as the top enlisted soldier for the secretive Joint Special Operations Command, is among the 60 soldiers receiving new awards for the 1993 Battle of Mogadishu. [80] Both pilots were killed in the resulting crash and two of the crew were severely wounded. Militiamen loyal to Mohamed Farrah Aidid had killed 24 Pakistani soldiers in the escalating battle. Member of 2nd Squad, 2nd Platoon, Company A. A new documentary, "Black Hawk Down: The untold story," showcases their role in the legendary Battle of Mogadishu. [15] As part of the campaign to capture or kill Aidid following the attack on the Pakistanis, American forces under U.N. authorization attacked the "Abdi House", a villa belonging to Aidid's Interior Minister, Abdi Hasan Awale, during a major gathering of prominent Somalis and high-ranking elders of the Habr Gidr and other Hawiye subclans. [61] The attack had not been the first time that September that Somali militia had managed to hit helicopters with RPG fire, but it was the first time they had used the tactic to take one down and the event was a propaganda victory for the SNA. The raid was only intended to last an hour, but morphed into an overnight standoff and rescue operation extending into the daylight hours of the next day. into the 15-hour bloody battle known as the Battle of Mogadishu (Dotson, 2016). The U.S. Marine Corps landed the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit MEUSOC in Mogadishu with elements of 2nd Battalion 9th Marines and 3rd Battalion 11th Marines and secured key facilities within two weeks, with the intent to facilitate humanitarian actions. The Marine Corps initially purchased the KC-130 to assist in several duties: delivering ground troops, providing air support and resupply to battle areas, and executing medevac operations. The Battle of Mogadishu demonstrated the importance of Mission Command in combat operations. The helicopter would violently crash into a residential area, coming to rest on a building wall, in an alleyway about 300 yards east of the target building (020309.4N 451934.8E / 2.052611N 45.326333E / 2.052611; 45.326333). The C-130s delivered 48,000 tons of food and medical supplies in six months to international humanitarian organizations trying to help Somalia's more than three million starving people. NAIROBI, KENYA, OCT. 4 -- Twelve American soldiers were killed, 78 wounded and an undetermined number missing and believed captured in the ferocious 15-hour battle in Mogadishu, the Somali. The plan was to surround a white three-story house in the capital city of. [74][76] Many of the tactics Aidid, Giumale and other subordinate SNA commanders would draw on would be inspired from Chinese and Vietnamese books on guerilla warfare and on advice from mujahedeen veterans, who had just won the SovietAfghan War. The battle was part of the broader Somali Civil War that had begun in 1991. If people had left it to the militia and the officers, it would have been no problem. Operation Gothic Serpent, led by U. S. Special Operations Forces during the Somali Civil War, took place in Mogadishu, Somalia, from August to October 1993. [53][54], Two weeks later another bomb injured seven more. No contingency planning or coordination with U.N. forces had been arranged prior to the operation; consequently, the recovery of the surrounded American troops was significantly complicated and delayed. [15] Two days after, a 19th soldier, Delta operator SFC Matt Rierson, was killed in a mortar attack. forces. The operation took place from August to October 1993 and was led by US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). Forced to depart the city on foot, they proceeded to a rendezvous point at the intersection of Hawlwadig Road and National Street. [7][8] The raid would lead many Mogadishu residents to join the fight against UNOSOM II forces and it would also lead Aidid and the SNA to deliberately attack American personnel for the first time on August 8, 1993, which would in turn lead President Clinton to dispatch the Task Force Ranger to capture Aidid. Clarke, Walter, and Herbst, Jeffrey, editors, Dauber, Cori Elizabeth. Casper was the 10th Mountain Division's Falcon Brigade and QRF Commander during the TF Ranger rescue effort. Busch later died of his injuries, having been shot four times while defending the crash site. The city's two main hospitals reported that 23 Somalis had been killed and that more than 100 had been wounded. Mohammed Farah Aidid, head of the SNA, would become a fugitive after UNOSOM II blamed his faction for the incident and a hunt for him would begin that would characterize most of the U.N. intervention up until the Battle of Mogadishu. [10][74] Human rights abuses and killings by peacekeepers, U.S. military airstrikes in heavily populated neighborhoods resulting in civilian casualties, forced evictions for UN compound expansions and the difficulty of receiving legal recourse for wrongs committed by United Nations forces all inflamed the growing animosity of the civilian population of Mogadishu. "[15], Ambassador Robert B. Oakley, the U.S. special representative to Somalia, is quoted as saying: "My own personal estimate is that there must have been 1,500 to 2,000 Somalis killed and wounded that day, because that battle was a true battleHelicopter gunships were being used as well as all sorts of automatic weapons on the ground by the U.S. and the United Nations. The civil war had resulted in the destruction of Somalia's agriculture, which in turn led to starvation in large parts of southern Somalia. [17][18][19][20], In January 1991, Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre was overthrown by a coalition of opposing clans, precipitating the Somali Civil War. Ambushes and barricades would be utilized in order to impede UNOSOM reinforcements. [91] Communications were confused between the ground convoy and the assault team. [26], On 3 March 1993, U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali submitted to the U.N. Security Council his recommendations for effecting the transition from UNITAF to UNOSOM II. The UNITAF's mission was strictly Killed in action, on 3 October 1993, during the Battle of Mogadishu. Despite Aidid's command, U.N. forces faced fierce shooting until they withdrew from the SNA's zone of control. This has been commonly referred to as the "Mogadishu Mile". Five journalists were killed, resulting in the pullout of numerous media organizations in Mogadishu which contributed to the lack of coverage of the October 34 battle. [136] Critics claim that Osama bin Laden and other members of al-Qaeda provided support and training to Mohammed Farrah Aidid's forces. Osama bin Laden even denigrated the administration's decision to prematurely depart the region, stating that it displayed "the weakness, feebleness and cowardliness of the U.S. Both units were under the mistaken impression that they were to be first contacted by the other. The relief force sustained heavy casualties, including several killed, and a Malaysian soldier died when an RPG hit his Condor vehicle. [80] While the last two men were rappelling, the Black Hawk took a direct RPG hit from SNA militia, almost totally severing the main rotor blades. [14], During the October 34 battle SNA forces would also fight alongside hundreds of irregulars or "volunteers" as referred to by U.S. Special Envoy to Somalia Robert B. Oakley, composed mostly of untrained civilians-turned-combatants, many of whom were women and children who had grievances against UNOSOM troops. "[107], Most of the Somalis death toll is attributed to the numerous helicopter gunship runs in the narrow alleyways of Mogadishu made by MH-6 Little Birds in support of the U.S. ground forces. Jones and Maier evacuated Busch and Smith. SNA forces were primarily equipped with light infantry weaponry, like the AK-47 assault rifle. An MH-6, Star 41, piloted by CW3 Karl Maier and CW5 Keith Jones, landed nearby. This operation, called Restore Hope, saw the U.S. assuming the unified command in accordance with Resolution 794. Xia Jinyuan had just casually stated the weapons he needed. [74][93], Back at the first crash site, about 90 Rangers and Delta Force operators found themselves under heavy Somali fire. In the same interview, he stated that, at the time, there was "not a living soul in the world who thought that Osama bin Laden had anything to do with Black Hawk down or was paying any attention to it or even knew al-Qaeda was a growing concern in October of '93", and that the mission was strictly humanitarian. Clinton defended his exit strategy for U.S. forces and denied that the departure was premature. [24] Some estimates placed the amount of food aid being stolen at 80 percent, while other estimates claimed a far lower estimate of 20 percent. [160], The Seconds from Disaster television series spotlighted the raid-and-rescue mission in the season 7 episode "Chopper Down", which aired in February 2018. [33], In response, on 6 June 1993, the outraged U.N. Security Council passed Resolution 837, a call for the arrest and prosecution of the persons responsible for the death and wounding of the peacekeepers. It then started violently spinning and proceeded to drop 100 feet, slamming into the street and eliciting a cheer from the large crowd of Somali citizens gathering on the nearby streets. The entire operation was estimated to take no longer than 30 minutes. [23], Later that year severe fighting broke out in Mogadishu between Mahdi and Aidid, which continued in the following months and spread throughout the country, resulting in over 20,000 casualties by the end of 1991. [14][74][76] As night came many of the volunteers and irregulars would depart from the battle, leaving the experienced SNA fighters behind, American soldiers would notice that the shooting became less frequent but far more accurate. [154], Malaysian film Bakara, directed by Adrian Teh, retells the story of Malaysian contingent of UNOSOM II involvement during the rescue operation in the battle. It was clear that the Americans greatest technological advantage in Mogadishuand its Achilles' heel, the helicopter, had to be neutralized during one of the ranger raids. [80], Two weeks after the battle, General Garrison, in a handwritten letter to President Clinton, took full responsibility for the battle's outcome. [106] According to American war correspondent Scott Peterson, approximately a third of all the Somali casualties were women and children. [35], On the morning of 12 July 1993, a strike by the 10th Mountain Division of the QRF in Mogadishu led to the Abdi House raid. [74] Seeking shelter from the kill zone and a place to safeguard their wounded, the Americans had occupied four houses on Freedom Road, detaining about 20 Somalis who lived there. Eventually it arrived ten minutes later near the Olympic Hotel (020301.6N 451928.6E / 2.050444N 45.324611E / 2.050444; 45.324611), down the street from target building and waited for Delta and Rangers to complete their mission. [9][10][11], On 3 October 1993, U.S. forces planned to seize two of Aidid's high-ranking lieutenants during a meeting deep in the city. There was still no effective government, police, or national army, resulting in serious security threats to U.N. personnel. The pilot steadied the controls in his left hand and fired a machine gun with his right, while the copilot dashed into the alley and helped the two Delta snipers, one of them mortally wounded, into the back of their helicopter. The plan was that Delta operators would assault the target building (using MH-6 Little Bird helicopters) and secure the targets inside the building. [143] While he had previously claimed responsibility for the ambush,[144] bin Laden denied having orchestrated the attack on the U.S. soldiers in Mogadishu but expressed delight at their deaths in battle against Somali fighters. The asset further reported that Aidid and other high-ranking figures would possibly be present. The pilot and co-pilot survived, but three crew members were killed. On October 3 and 4, 1993, U.S. forces set out on a snatch-and-grab mission to arrest two of Aidid's lieutenants. Elements of the 2nd Battalion 9th Marines HMLA-369 (Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 369 of Marine Aircraft Group 39, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, Camp Pendleton); 9th Marines; quickly secured routes to Baidoa, Balidogle and Kismayo, then were reinforced by the U.S. Army's 10th Mountain Division. A shootout ensued as peacekeepers fought to the helicopter. The RPG connected with the tail rotor and the helicopter at first seemed to be fine. That same day, a team on special mission Super 64 incurred two wounded. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Soldiers with the 10th Mountain Division in Mogadishu, Somalia in 1993. UNOSOM forces had refused to enter the area during previous engagements with the SNA. [95], After being asked to justify the incident in an interview with American television, Captain Haad of Somali National Alliance claimed that the bodies of the U.S. soldiers had been dragged through the streets by enraged civilians/irregulars who had lost dozens of friends and family, and that the actual SNA soldiers had not partaken in the incident. If we can rescue the hostages tonight, I'll cooperate fully.". 7001,000 killed (per Martin J. Dougherty), 315 killed and 812 wounded (including civilians) (Per. [96] He would further point to the July 12, 1993, Abdi House Raid that had first led the SNA to begin target U.S. soldiers saying, "Wouldn't you be very sorry about 73 of our elder men, of our religious leaders, of our most prominent people, having their bodies mutilatedwe collected parts of their bodies from the building in which they were attackedif you were a son of one of those people killed on that day, what would be your situation, how would you feel? Falcon Brigade: Combat and Command in Somalia and Haiti, by Lawrence E. Casper (Col. USA Ret. [14] The irregulars often complicated the situation on the ground for SNA commanders, as they were not controllable and often got in the way by demanding ammunition and burdening the militia's medical evacuation system. Gary Gordon were posthumously awarded the Medal of. Soldiers with the 10th Mountain Division in Mogadishu, Somalia in 1993. [12] As the operation was ongoing, Somali forces shot down three American Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters using RPG-7s,[13] with two crashing deep in hostile territory. [23][26], Operation Provide Relief began in August 1992, when U.S. President George H. W. Bush announced that U.S. military transports would support the multinational U.N. relief effort in Somalia. On December 9, U.S. Marine and Navy elements moved into Mogadishu unopposed. Zubeyr named Yusef al-Ayeri, Saif al-Adel, and Sheikh Abu al Hasan al-Sa'idi as providing help through training or participating in the battle themselves. 5 May, 2 US soldiers (trucker and engineer) were wounded in the bloodiest day in 3 months during running battles across Mogadishu. David L. Grange: Former Commanding Officer of 75th Ranger Regiment from 1991 to 1993. Estimates greatly vary from several hundred to several thousand militiamen and civilians killed,[101][102] with injuries around 1,0004,000. Forces, 1998, Mark Bowden, The Philadelphia Inquirer", "UN Commission of Inquiry Established under Security Council Resolution 885 to Investigate Armed Attacks on UNOSOM II (1994)", "U.N. Moves Troops to Somali City And Vows Punishment for Attack", "SOMALIA FACES THE FUTURE: HUMAN RIGHTS IN A FRAGMENTED SOCIETY", "Did the U.S. Cover Up a Civilian Massacre Before Black Hawk Down? [81] The Olympic Hotel and the surrounding Bakara market was considered to be Habr Gidr territory and incredibly hostile, as the clan made up a significant composition of the Somali National Alliances militia. Men die when vehicle hits land mine in area dominated by supporters of warlord Mohammed Farah Aidid", "These Secret Helicopters Were Flown By A Shadowy Unit During The Battle of Mogadishu", "Rangers Honor Fallen Brothers of Operation Gothic Serpent", "3 Killed as U.S. Chopper Is Shot Down in Somalia", "3 GIS KILLED AS SOMALIS DOWN HELICOPTER", "Background Information For Operation Restore Hope", "Hard Day's Night: A Retrospective on the American Intervention in Somalia", "This Ranger fought in Mogadishu before becoming a country music star", "On this Day, October 3, 1993, Battle of Mogadishu (Black Hawk Down)", "Interviews - Captain Haad | Ambush in Mogadishu | FRONTLINE | PBS", "U.S. AC-130 GUNSHIPS PATROL OVER SOMALI CAPITAL", "Interviews Ambassador Robert Oakley | Ambush in Mogadishu | FRONTLINE", "Somalia Battle Killed 12 Americans, Wounded 78", "Silver Star Awards in Somalia during Operation Restore Hope", "SFC Matthew Rierson - Airborne Ranger in the Sky", "Long Valley man: Ranger son's death won't be in vain", "Congressional Record, Volume 140 Issue 76 (Thursday, June 16, 1994)", "Who Is Bin Laden? [21] The Somali National Army concurrently disbanded, and some former soldiers reconstituted as irregular regional forces or joined the clan militias. [137][138], On 26 September 2006, in an interview on Fox News with Chris Wallace, former President Bill Clinton gave his version of events surrounding the mission in Somalia. Served with Delta Force as Squadron Commander during Operation Urgent Fury in 1983. The al-Qaeda fighters in Somalia are rumored to have included the organization's military chief, Mohammed Atef, later killed by U.S. forces in Afghanistan. Chalk Four being carried by Black Hawk Super 67, piloted by CW3 Jeff Niklaus, was accidentally put a block north of their intended point (20305.5N 451927.9E / 2.051528N 45.324417E / 2.051528; 45.324417). Delta operators Sgt. When four Western journalists went to investigate the scene they were beaten to death by a mob of Somalis. [87] American aircrew noticed soon after takeoff that Somalis had started to light burning tires around the city, a tactic the SNA had previously used to signal incursions and initiate counterattacks. Italian General Loi said Italian troops had picked up 30 of the wounded Pakistani soldiers. During the UNOSOM hunt for Aidid, the SNA was composed multiple political organizations such as, Col. Omar Gess' Somali Patriotic Movement, the Somali Democratic Movement, the combined Digil and Mirifleh clans, the Habr Gedir of the United Somali Congress headed by Aidid, and the newly established Southern Somali National Movement. It's also since been noted that the equipment may not have arrived in time to make a difference. [146] Al-Qaeda defector Jamal al-Fadl also claimed that the group had trained the men responsible for shooting down the U.S. [41] The legal department of the U.N. mission to Somalia would contest the legality and conduct of the raid. A new documentary, "Black Hawk Down: The untold story," showcases their role in the legendary Battle of Mogadishu. [65] Corporal Mat Aznan Awang was awarded the Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa medal (Gallant Warrior/Warrior of Extreme Valor). The Rangers would then create a four-corner defensive perimeter around the target building to isolate it and ensure that no enemy could get in or out. On 3 October 1993, the task force executed a mission to capture two of Aidid's lieutenants. On 6 March 1995, all of the remaining U.N. troops were withdrawn, ending UNOSOM II. Shughart went back around the helicopter's nose and held off the crowd for approximately 10 more minutes before he was killed. Experienced fighters supplemented the main forces with RPG-7 grenade launchers, sniper rifles, mortars, mines and machine guns. The Abdi House raid or Operation Michigan, better known to Somalis as Bloody Monday (Somali: Isniinta Dhiigii), was a United Nations military operation that took place in Mogadishu on 12 July, 1993, during the UNOSOM II phase of the UN intervention in the Somali Civil War. [80], At the second crash site, two Delta snipers, Master Sergeant Gary Gordon and Sergeant First Class Randy Shughart, were inserted by Black Hawk Super 62. Their aim was to capture key allies of the powerful Somali warlord, Gen Mohamed Farah Aideed. In August 1994, the U.N. requested that the U.S. lead a coalition to aid in the final withdrawal of the UNOSOM II forces from Somalia. The Rangers and Delta had spread over a two-block area and were engaged in close combat against fighters who were sometimes only a door away. [92], Yusuf Dahir Mo'alim, an SNA commander of a seven-man RPG team, was slowly moving up towards the first crash site when they caught sight of a second Black Hawk helicopter. [9] The strike was the first time the U.N. forces in Somalia had specifically targeted people instead of armaments caches, marking a turning point in what had been a low intensity conflict. The Battle of Mogadishu (Somali: Maalintii Rangers, lit. Following the news of the civilian presence, Giumale sent a dispatch to another SNA commander, Col. Hashi Ali, that the mortars were to be held in abeyance except to harass UNOSOM reinforcements. [13][80][93] When Super 64 impacted the ground, multiple homes were destroyed and numerous Somalis in the area were killed by flying debris. He didn't expect Lin Feng to agree. The relief column that ultimately extracted TF Ranger had to fight its way into and out of the Bakara Market; SNA fighters were resisting fiercely until UN forces crossed out of Aideed's zone of control and withdrew to their bases. [13][74] Many volunteers would not actually partake in combat, but instead operated as reconnaissance or runners for SNA troops. According to the 1994 United Nations Inquiry in the events leading up to the Battle of Mogadishu: "Opinions differ, even among UNOSOM officials, on whether the weapons inspections of 5 June 1993 was genuine or was merely a cover-up for reconnaissance and subsequent seizure of Radio Mogadishu. The Battle of Mogadishu was fought in Mogadishu, Somalia, on October 3-4, 1993, as part of the Somali Civil War. It's 8.31 pm now. Fast-roping was deemed necessary for the raid as the Black Hawks had no suitable landing zone to deploy troops. [74], In the half hour following the loss of Super 64, desperate U.S. commanders unsuccessfully attempted to relieve the besieged troops. While taking Blackburn back to base, Sergeant Dominick Pilla, assigned to one of the Humvees being pelted with heavy fire from the surrounding buildings, was killed instantly when a bullet struck his head, marking the first American death of the battle. He indicated that since Resolution 794's adoption in December 1992, UNITAF's presence and operations had created a positive impact on Somalia's security situation and on the effective delivery of humanitarian assistance (UNITAF deployed 37,000 personnel over forty percent of southern and central Somalia). On this date in 1993, US service members were engaged in what is now known as the Battle of Mogadishu. A joint organization was formed named " TF Ranger" to deploy to Mogadishu, Somalia in support of a UN-led humanitarian mission. "[15][38] Black Hawk Down author Mark Bowden, after a series of interviews with Adm. Howe, would note that he disputed Howe's assertion that the clan elders had been meeting at another location. [49], In the view of Robert B. Oakley, "Before July 12th, the U.S. would have been attacked only because of association with the UN, but the U.S. was never singled out until after July 12th". In the end, 19 American soldiers were killed, including six Delta Force operators, and 73 were wounded. [81][82], Special operations forces consisting of Bravo Company 3rd Battalion, the 75th Ranger Regiment, the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta, and the 160th Aviation Battalion, would be sent to capture Omar Salad Elmi and Mohamed Hassan Awale. [37][50][51] The events of Bloody Monday would lead Aidid to make the decision to specifically target American soldiers for the first time and would result in the 8 August killings of U.S. troops that would push President Clinton to send in extra troops to capture him. [81] Delta operators would then assault the target building using MH-6 Little Bird helicopters, and secure the targets inside the building. First, the Somali CIA asset would drive to the site of the meeting and then open the hood of his vehicle to confirm the exact building to raid for observing surveillance aircraft. Somalis. A few moments later the rotor assembly disintegrated and the helicopter began to lurch forward. [151], Howard E. Wasdin's SEAL Team Six (2011) includes a section about his time in Mogadishu including the Pasha CIA safe house and multiple operations including the Battle of Mogadishu where he was severely wounded. Let's split up! [74][77], Despite the substantial array of heavier weaponry in its stockpiles, none were utilized during the October 34 battle. This would completely negate the American element of speed and surprise, which would consequently draw them into a protracted fight with his troops. "[139], Clinton's remarks would suggest the U.S. was not deterred from pursuing their humanitarian goals because of the loss of U.S. forces during the battle. Wounded by shrapnel from an RPG whilst recovering a severely wounded Malaysian soldier on the rescue convoy. [162], In August 2013, remains of Super 61, consisting of the mostly intact main rotor and parts of the nose section, were extracted from the crash site and returned to the United States due to the efforts of David Snelson and Alisha Ryu, and are on display at the Airborne & Special Operations Museum at Fort Bragg, Fayetteville, North Carolina. , by Lawrence E. casper ( Col. USA Ret, which would consequently draw into. Rangers, lit exit strategy for U.S. forces and denied that the equipment may not have arrived in time make... Urgent Fury in 1983 point at the top of the broader Somali Civil War that had in. In action, on 3 October 1993 and was led by US Joint Special operations Command ( JSOC ) 81! October 1993 and was led by US Joint Special operations Command ( JSOC ) possibly be present operator Matt... Ll cooperate fully. & quot ; to take no longer than 30 minutes later another bomb injured seven.... 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